Chapter 71

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July 22 2023, Reggio Emilia

alliahmendoza posted
on their story

"FUCK, I LOVE YOU!" Alliah exclaimed, hugging Harry tightly and kissing him fiercely

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"FUCK, I LOVE YOU!" Alliah exclaimed, hugging Harry tightly and kissing him fiercely. "You were amazing. Oh, my god, you just performed to a hundred thousand people!"

Harry laughed, his arms around her waist. "I can't believe it. Is this real? Shit."

Alliah grinned. "Oh, it's very real."

Alliah began recounting all the best moments from the show, and giving Harry compliments that left him blushing while he changed into normal clothes.

"C'mere, baby," Alliah told him, waving him over until he was straddling her lap, nuzzling his face into her neck.

A wave of comfort and warmth washed over her, relaxing under his familiar touch. She scratched his back lightly, causing him to melt and further lean against her. The weight of his body against hers was strangely something that brought her peace and tranquility.

Or maybe it was just Harry's presence in general.

Alliah pressed a soft kiss against his shoulder, running her nails over his scalp. Harry's breathing was calm and steady, rising and falling at a perfect rhythm.

"I'm so proud of you," Alliah whispered, pressing another kiss to his neck. Harry hummed, pleased by the attention. "So proud of my love."

"I love you," Harry mumbled against her shoulder.

Alliah smiled softly, gazing down with complete and total adoration at the man before her. "I love you too. Can't believe I get to keep you forever."

At her words, Harry grabbed her left hand, beginning to fiddle with the ring on it. He stared at it, watching the way it twisted around her finger at his movements.

"Do you remember..." Harry began, weighing his words cautiously, "A while back, you told me what you thought our wedding would be like..."

"Mhm?" Alliah hummed, softly prompting him to continue.

Harry inhaled deeply. "You told me you thought we'd plan this big wedding with everyone we loved, and end up eloping the day before."


Harry blinked, sliding the engagement ring off of Alliah's finger. He observed it in silence, while she waited for him to speak. Sliding it back on her finger, he turned to look at her.

Harry's green eyes held the weight of the world. All the wisdom, the talent, the truth and the love he held for her, all in his eyes.

"What if... we elope and then plan the big party?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow, his tone cautious as if he were tip-toeing around the truth.

Alliah widened her eyes. "You want to elope?"

"I don't want to wait, Ali," Harry explained, his voice determined as he said, "I'm sick of waiting for forever with you. We can deal with the papers and all of that later, but I just want to... I want to put that last ring on your finger, I want to tell you how much I love you in front of the only people I need."

Alliah turned the idea over in her head, mind already racing with possibilities. "Both of our moms and Gemma are here."

"I know this beautiful place nearby."

"Someone could get certified through the internet."

"I have a suit packed."

"I can wear my white dress."

"All you have to do is say yes," Harry concluded, staring at her.


There wasn't any reason to wait or to think thing through. Alliah and Harry knew what they wanted, they knew how to get it. Why not do it?

"Call Anne and Gemma, I'll call my mom," Alliah explained, as Harry climbed off of her lap, beginning to grab his things. "We'll meet at the hotel and take a car to wherever it is you want to go to."

Harry grabbed his duffel bag, and together they were escorted by security into their car and began the drive back to the hotel. Harry grabbed his phone, calling his mom.

As the phone rang, Harry looked to Alliah. "Are we really doing this?"

Alliah looked at him, her heart already set on her future. "I love you."

What else was there to say?

Harry smiled, looking at her as if she were the stars themselves, shining just for him.

"I love you."

"Then let's get married."

a/n: i know it's short, and i'm sorry.

tomorrow is the last chapter + epilogue, and i'm not ready.

if you enjoyed this chapter, remember to vote and comment because i crave validation. love ya <3

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