Chapter 46

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May 10 2022, East Rutherford

new tweet from jenna hardyn!

jenna | jennahardyn
i'm so sick and tired of being made the villain in this ridiculous made-up story. i quit. i did not get fired by alliah 🙄
4:00 am • may 10, 2022 • twitter for iphone
ali 🌹| alliahmendoza • 2h ago
hi! i hate to do this on social media, and on twitter of all places, but i won't stand by as you spread lies and try to pin the blame on me
ali 🌹| alliahmendoza • 2h ago
first off, you saying these lies is grounds for a defamation lawsuit, and if you don't stop lying, i will be forced to make it stop by legal force.
ali 🌹| alliahmendoza • 2h ago
second, no, you did not quit. you got fired, for reasons that i have been respectful enough not to reveal.
ali 🌹| alliahmendoza • 2h ago
and most important of all, i have tangible proof to back me up. something you do not. there is camera footage from the moment i said the words 'you're fired'.
ali 🌹| alliahmendoza • 2h ago
you have done so much for me the last few years, so i am begging you to let things be, and not force me to end things on a sour note.
🖤 | alliahstan • 2h ago
she's spitting nothing but facts.

anya (boss lady)
alliah, are you sure
you want to sue jenna?

i'm done letting other
people narrate my story

if i have to air out
all my dirty laundry
then so be it

anya (boss lady)
i'm on your side no
matter what, ali

anya (boss lady)
are you sure you only
want a dollar? you
could get a big
settlement out of this

i'm sure.

anya (boss lady)
i don't say this often enough,
but i admire the fuck out
of you.

thank you. i'm really
glad to have you on
my side

new tweet by melissa collins!

    melissa | melissacollins
    i met @alliahmendoza on the set of her music video, Prom Queen and we began talking immediately, becoming friends. We were friends for several years, and during that, I struggled with alcoholism.
4:00 pm • may 10, 2022 • twitter for iphone
    melissa | melissacollins • 2h ago
Although Alliah herself was a struggling artist, barely making rent for her one-bedroom apartment, considering moving back to her parents' house, she still helped me through that process and paid for my rehab.
    melissa | melissacollins • 2h ago
Even though we aren't as close anymore, there isn't a month that goes by where Alliah doesn't text and ask how I am. Even when she herself is going through hell, she never forgets to make sure I'm not struggling.
    melissa | melissacollins • 2h ago
I will never be able to put into words how much I owe to Alliah. Which is why it is deeply saddening to see this false narrative the media spreads of her being a bad person. She is nothing but good and kind and honest at her core.

new tweet by mira duncan!

    mira 🌻 | miraduncan
alliah has been my best friend since i was 15 and she was 14. we've been through hell and back together, and i know anyone who says anything bad about alliah is a liar. i would take a bullet for her, because i know she'd do the same.
5:21 pm • may 10, 2022 • twitter for iphone

new tweet by alliah mendoza!

alliah 🌹| alliahmendoza
stream best friend! 'cause my friends are the absolute f**king best, and i wouldn't trade them for the world 🌹
7:32 pm • may 10, 2022 • twitter for iphone

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