Chapter 11

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September 25 2021, Chicago II

ALLIAH WOULD NOT LET THE HATERS WIN. She would prove the toxic harries wrong, and she would go up on that stage and prove she belonged there. She deserved everything she had.

Harry had protested, pleading for her to be cautious and not perform, at least until the tide of hate had washed over.

Alliah refused. She insisted she would perform. She would not cry, she would not flinch, she would not be scared.

Alliah's hands shook as she gripped her microphone tight in her hands, watching the crowd. Anya stood beside her, reaching out and grabbing one of her hands.

Alliah met Anya's eyes, and felt strength coursing through her at the loving look in Anya's eyes. She was not alone. She was not worthless. She was not defined by the people who hated her.

Alliah would perform and she would finish her set, no matter what.

"Remember, if it gets to be too much, just get off stage. Keep yourself safe. Security has been doubled and no one will get on stage again, okay?" Anya told her for the millionth time.

Alliah nodded. "Anya. I'm going to be okay."

Anya's gaze softened. "I know. But you're still my friend, and I worry about you."

"One minute," someone from the crew told them.

Alliah took a deep breath. "It'll be okay." Alliah turned and hugged Anya tightly. She whispered, "thank you."

Pressing a quick kiss on Anya's cheek, Alliah jogged her way to the platform from where she would be rising. It seemed too soon that the countdown in her in-ear comm began. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Alliah put on her best poker face. She would be strong. She was determined to make this her best performance yet.

"If you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you..."

Alliah made it through the first song without incident, dancing and moving around with a newfound energy. And at the end of the song, the crowd cheered and clapped.

Relief swelled in Alliah's chest. She would be okay, it would be fine. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

The chords to Cloud 9 sounded in Alliah's in-ear comm. Taking another deep breath, she sang, "I don't wanna seem the way I do. But I'm confident when I'm with you."

Alliah made her way through the verse and the chorus. "...You will always be my favorite form of loving."

At the end of her line, the drums took over, playing a steady rhythm while Alliah began jumping from side to side, dancing to the beat of the song. And then she saw the girls in the front row lift up papers.

Soon, it spread through the whole pit and floor. Amazed, Alliah watched as people in the bleachers lifted their phones, pressing a golden sheet over it, casting a yellow light over the entire stadium.

Alliah turned, gaping as she looked down at the papers people on the floor were holding up.


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