Chapter 23

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November 18 2021, Los Angeles

ALLIAH WAS SHITTING HER PANTS. Metaphorically. Not literally. It'd be weird if it were literally.

Alliah had meticulously planned every little detail of this night, to ensure that dinner was perfect and she wouldn't be having a panic attack mid-dinner.

However, now, she seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack pre-dinner. Which Alliah considered was not a good omen for the night.

Taking a few deep, calming breaths, Alliah tried to relax, making a mental checklist of everything she had done and everything she had yet to be done.

Alliah had cleaned up every corner of her house. It was a ridiculously huge house for just one person, with a living room, dining room, kitchen, and three rooms. One room was her bedroom, the other a guest room and the third her music room. Everywhere was clean and organized

The food was simple but elegant. To start off, some bread with cheese, and butter with Italian spices. Then, a nice simple salad. As a main dish, the lasagna. Simple and easy to make but still classy. Alliah had even made a separate lasagna for Harry, knowing he was a pescatarian, and had replaced the meat for mushrooms. And to wrap it all up, chocolate mousse for dessert.

Alliah had already set up a couple of vinyls of choice next to her record player, and When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go? was currently playing.

She'd also hidden all her One Direction, Harry, Niall, Louis and Zayn vinyls in the closet. Alliah didn't need Harry to have more material to tease her about.

All that was left was for the guests to arrive. Which made Alliah even more nervous. She knew very well she was conducting a dangerous experiment with the people invited. She had invited only four people.

First, there was Katie, Alliah's best friend since forever. They were like sisters and had been through thick and thin with each other. However, Katie was extremely introverted and it took her a long time to warm up to new people.

Then, Mira. Alliah had been friends with her for a really long time, and Mira was a beautiful human being. Warm and sweet and kind.

However, Mira and Katie, despite both being amazing women, didn't get along very well. Katie was a little too dark and brooding for Mira's taste, and Mira was too bubbly and extroverted for Katie.

Third, Rudy. Alliah had met Rudy when she moved to LA back in 2017, and they were both struggling teenagers, trying to make a name for themselves. He was a bright spirit who cheered her up on her bad days, who made her feel like she was home whenever she felt homesick and missed her family.

It was thanks to Rudy that LA became Alliah's home.

Alliah was sure that Rudy and Harry would get along great.

Which brought her to guest number four- the true loose cannon- Harry.

He didn't know a single person except for Alliah, and though he was for sure guaranteed to get along well with Rudy and Mira, Alliah was more concerned about Katie.

Alliah was sure of two things. 1, Katie wasn't everyone's cup of tea, and some people just couldn't make it through the rough first stages of friendship with her. They didn't last long enough to get to the good parts. And 2, Katie was an amazing person once you got to know her. Smart, and talented though a little unconfident in her ability. She was funny and compassionate and always tried her best.

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