A glanced upon.

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Minjeong, after that warning from the police, she's been changing her identity. Growing out her hair, dying it back to her natural colour. All that beautiful black hair, that's what hatred looks like. All with straight effortlessly achieved As she's been accepted to Seol National University. 

Obviously, the girl is proud of herself. The money is the problem here. Moving to Seol wasn't easy but the visa saved her, it was expensive, really expensive. 4,974 pounds for each fucking semester? Minjeong thought they were kidding, having to work 4 jobs was exhausting, hell, it didn't even help the girl much. 

Taxes, bills, food expenses, and more were floating in her mind. She didn't know what to do, the only chance she could sleep on the hard mattress was only for one hour! Even though she expected to be unable to have time to swallow even a crumb if she could afford it, Minjeong's face became more scummy than ever. Sometimes, when she has some cash to book appointments, many doctors advised her of eating more after gazing at the look. 

Her body, honestly, unknowingly having a natural hourglass waist, will look attractive to some people. That doesn't help her situation or will it? Minjeong zones out, thinking about some jobs that she can have with her body. A model? Becoming a model? It's better than a pornstar. 

Being a 5'5 woman doesn't benefit her, she does have a sharp jawline and some nice cheekbones. Maybe she can have a small chance of becoming one. Grabbing her cracked Samsung she searches how much an average model earns. Her eyes widen, that much?! Getting up instantly, she straightens her back. Minjeong needs to have some nice clothing, standing up, she walks up to her wooden closet. 

Observing the old loose clothes, she finally finds a decent tight shirt wrapping around her waist. Grabbing random pants, she gets ready. Minjeong barely goes on social media, if she did, she would dread her life even more. This woman almost applied to every single model agency she sees, that's how desperate she is. 

Minjeong sighed, it's a day off for most jobs, except one. Being a waitress at some fancy restaurant is neither easy nor hard. At 6:00, she's supposed to be leaving! In a hurry, she slips on a rich, black uniform. Shoving her phone into her thin coat, she puts on some posh shoes and gets ready to get out. "I wish I had someone to take care of me..." Minjeong sighs once again.

Even when she's so used to being alone, it feels more empty without her best friend. The only person in her life who ever had taken care of her, now she's gone. 

Not that she's dead, just out of her draining life. Minjeong ignored all the never-ending text messages and ghosted everyone on her contact list, no one knew what happened to her. In the streets, people crowded everywhere, it was an unusual sight. In the street she lives in, barely anyone acknowledges it unless it's about crimes. "Karina Yu! Oh my God, she's going somewhere here! We need to have a snap of her, ASAP!" 

Karina Yu.

A name she hasn't heard for years, who left her with a messy record and put her in a position she can't escape soon. Is that wicked bitch some celebrity now? Minjeong tried shoving herself through the crowd, trying to ignore that corrupted name which ruined many lives. 

(Fast forward) 

"I'm so sorry sir, I lost track of time-" A thud on the table catches Minjeong by surprise, her eyes looking up seeing a horrifying face of his. "Consider this as your last chance Kim Minjeong... mess up once again and you're not welcomed here, now, leave!" Minjeong scrambles off, biting her lip as her eyes turn glossy. It's all because of fucking Karina Yu! 

She takes a couple of long breaths to calm herself, ready to smile fakely again. It's tiring, especially after getting scolded by your boss again. "Good afternoon Sir! What may I offer you today?" She grins at the man who's slightly smiling back, his dirty eyes roaming around her body. He clears his throat before speaking, "heh, well, you need to wait for my wife and kid, they're taking a little while now." The man's voice gets deeper at the last part, Minjeong bows in respect, walking away to another customer. 

Minjeong hated that man at first glimpse, she knew he was cocky enough to piss her off. He didn't deserve any respect from her. After a few 'good afternoon sir/miss, she gets called by her boss, again, what did she do now? Her stomach dropped at the mention of her name, "yes sir?" She murmurs, clenching the menu in her hands. "Go to that man over there, he specifically wants you to serve him." He demands pointing over to the direction. 

Minjeong looks over meeting those foul eyes again, fighting the urge to not scrunch her face up in disgust. Why her? WHY HER?! The fool looks up with a smirk on his face, "I want some oysters, my dear daughter wants a chicken burger please with some fries." She smiles politely turning away, not saying a single word to that man, displeasing him on purpose. The fact is that he even has a wife! The audacity of this man! 

Her shift finally came to an end, time really flew by.  

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