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After a day or two of confusion, her brain couldn't accept that nearly, nearly... she had sex with Karina. Obviously, that's the appropriate reaction to such a situation where she tries to have sex with a woman who forced her to be in a looped suffering for a considerable amount of her life; high school. Minjeong admits that Karina is actually alright at having sex, (she's in denial, she would do anything to have sex with her again). 

Should she call her? Minjeong doesn't have her number except for the one for work, but at least she has something to contact the woman with. Hopeless promises to herself never worked, especially this time. 

Pondering and pondering she finally made a decision. Maybe asking Karina wouldn't harm her, it'll just make everything not so blurry. 

Trembling fingers scroll down leaving smudged sweat on her screen. So disgusting. Even though she agreed to do this legal action but it felt illegal. Fighting herself she just clicked the green button urging her to do it and she did. An annoying ringing sound returns to her ears in return, and her breathing hitches waiting for a response. 

Her eyes fixed on the screen, no glances anywhere else except the bright screen straining her wide eyes. 

No response.

It went on for 5 minutes, the woman didn't even spare a blink to save her eyes. 

There was no more energy left in her, nothing could convince her that Karina would bother to answer. Finally, she gave her eyes rest letting them blink. "Hello? Karina Yu speaking." It jumpscares Minjeong so badly that she nearly fell off the bed.  

"Uh, uhm..." she fixes her proposition, finding her words she finally spoke not letting the dead silence continue. "It's Winter-" 

"What do you want?" It freezes Minjeong, her monotonous words let shivers trail down Minjeong's limbs. How does Karina's caring too sweet tone turn into something so dull? "I just want my questions answered Mrs Yu, that's it." She breathes out with slight shakiness lingering. 

A pause. "Ask away and don't call me that." There's something with Karina's voice it suggests that she's superior. "Mrs Yu, why did you try to have sex with me?"

"You never listen, do you? I said don't call me that." Karina grips the phone tight narrowing her eyes, she despises when Minjeong ever calls her that, there's no reason why she has such an ick reserved for Minjeong. 

"Call you what?" Minjeong plays innocent, mischievousness twirling around her brown eyes. Little did Karina know, the woman has a small smile curled up and kicking her feet. Fuzziness warm her stomach, she loved when Karina is demanding. It's so thrilling. 

"Don't. Call. Me. Mrs Yu." The older woman stops after every single word adding more aggressiveness. 

"Answer my question," Minjeong ignores it on purpose to stir up Karina's anger.

One sigh replies, "I was drunk." Drunk? Minjeong can't recall any unpleasant smell from her breath, she didn't spread any smell anywhere. An eyebrow flies up when she hears something moving, the blanket rustling she assumes, so she isn't in the office at the moment.

Insisting on continuing their awkward conversation, Karina gulped down the words. "Drunk? Karina, don't play with me." Defending a lie without supporting evidence is pointless. "Why do you care so much?" Her words conveyed such discomfort. 

"We had sex, Karina." Minjeong whispers, a whisper with no regrets. 

"No, we didn't, Winter. You're too delusional for your good. Why did you change your name?" Karina hits her with a question, and even if she didn't answer any questions Karina expects an answer from Minjeong at least. 

"Why do you think that I will answer your question when you didn't even bother answering mine?" a sigh of frustration could be heard in her voice as she gripped the phone so tightly. "You're under my agency, I'm the reason you're in a stable house." 

"No, you're not." Minjeong denies, she thought the conversation would be vulgar and dirty, instead, it's about who's in control or not. "Who's feeding your dirty mouth then? Your mother?" Karina makes a snarky remark, she knew everything about the woman's family, so she uses the painful truth against her. 

Minjeong didn't let it go through her, she remained calm giving no subtle hints of what she was feeling. Swallowing her heavy breaths, there was nothing to reply to that. 

"Minjeong." A blurred figure stood in her vision, arms crossed with head tilted to the side. It's a feminine voice, a dark one. Harshly she stole the phone from Minjeong's hands, the figure is Ningning. Did Ningning eavesdrop on the whole conversation? She knew every small detail now. 

"Ningning." Karina breathes out in disbelief, is this how she meets the woman after many years? Her tone was mature and sinful but recognizable, even if it's not related to her squeaky voice in her high school days. Did puberty hit so hard? 

"Fuck you, dumbass bitch. I hope you jump into a volcano, I'll beat the shit out of you if I ever see you again. Don't touch my girlfriend again with your greasy fingers. "How inhumane are you? Dickhead! Mentioning someone's parents? Is that your only comeback?" Karina didn't think about the insults Ningning threw at the woman, but only at the 'girlfriend'. 

Even Minjeong was shocked, they were never girlfriends! Wait, it may be a play, she should play along. 
"Girlfriend? Girlfriend? Kim-" Ning cut off the phone. 

"Since when are we... girlfriends?" 

"Since now, Minjeong. Confuse her... your revenge would work if you don't get sexually attracted to her. You're so fucking dumb, I'm leaving." Ning storms off slamming the door shut. 

Minjeong was left alone again to recollect her thoughts.

"But, I'm already attracted to her."

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