Love and lust.

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Ning's eyes fluttered, her eyes about to go backwards, hands gripped onto the light grey bedsheets, legs shaking, all it abruptly stopped. "You bitch, carry on.." she grumbles, slight shakiness in her voice. "Ning, you don't have-" The younger woman raises her hand, cutting her off with "I fucking agreed to this shit, okay?! Even if Giselle has to rot, at least I'll get pleasure!" 

Brown strands fell on her face, she stretched her lips into a grim smirk excited for it to continue. "Ningning... you sure are sick, how about-" Ning's grip tightened on her head shoving it forward, "I know, I know, I know... just do your damn job." She squeezed the woman's head deliberately with her legs, muffled words barely heard.  

"I- I don't want to do this anymore, I can do it alone," her mumbles finally wavered to Ning, whose eyes dilated in amusement, "how possibly could you do it alone? You can't even kill a fly, I'll help, I can't force you to do this, you did well anyways." She snorts, her eyebrows stretching up but it deepens into a dark frown as the woman scurries off when she finally let her go.

"Tch, that twisted woman is lucky that she met me at the right time..." 

(Time passes)

A grey fog wanders around the two, "fucking hell, I haven't smoked in so long." Minjeong blows the smoke out of her mouth, slightly choking on it. "Obviously," Ning mocks her rolling her eyes at the woman unconsciously. As the women smoked in silence, admiring the sunset, they let their eyes capture the moment instead of distracting themselves with muttering. 

"It's so beautiful, almost like Giselle, why did that bastard have to be so? So horrible?" The woman curls her lips into a smile, staring at the hopeless romantic beside her. "Don't compliment her too much, remember?" Minjeong threw the cigarette somewhere, somewhere her eyes didn't bother to gaze down. 

"It's hard, even after numerous years passing by, I just- she was my first and last love." Ning's voice cracks at the word 'love', she couldn't believe she had fallen in love with a monster. A monster who probably never loved her back, maybe like, but it's not love. Ning can't be delusional like in her high school days, it's worthless now, especially when she's like a sour grape.

Minjeong never understood how 'love' works, it's always so unfair. So unfair that she never fully experienced how it was, mixed signals, no communication, everything was so messy that it forced her to be in a mind which brushes off the word love. 

Having a few butterflies in her stomach for that girl, was it love? 

"It doesn't matter anymore, it will never, let it go." That's the only advice the woman could give, she's terrible at helping each others out, and it's understandable. How could you help someone out when you can't even help yourself? 

"Bitch, do I fucking look like Elsa to you?" The hopeless romantic snapped into a harsh bitch again but Minjeong was used to it after a few days of living with her, it's hell but not worse than before, at least she can stuff delicious omelettes in her mouth every day. Now, that's heaven! 

 "Seriously though, Giselle is horrible forever even if she repented numerously, which I doubt." Ning is hard-headed, she'll never accept the truth. Giselle has probably forgotten about her and is married with several kids, you never know! 

Minjeong loved Karina for lust, and Ningning loved Giselle for who she is a huge difference. Minjeong may never understand love, revenge occupying her mind for years, there's no space for love. 

Only revenge, a desired revenge. Will she ever make it? They don't know for now. "I don't care," Ning says whistling obnoxiously, avoiding reality. 

"You will care, when her body is resting on your feet, blood staining your air forces, a rotten smell ruining your appetite. You will care, Ning. Those salty tears drip when you realise those eyes don't blink anymore." 

Ning lights up a cigarette, an idea pops up in her mind, she shoves it inside Minjeong's mouth which would continue rambling for days. As Minjeong hurls the cigarette to the ground, she chokes out loud and holds onto the wall. Her eyes are glued to Ning. 

"What the fuck is wrong with y-you?!" She heavily breathes, her nails digging into her palm. 

"I can show you if you like."

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