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The doctor had insisted Sonic stay another night at the hospital while he gathered the proper medicines; Sonic suspected it was just for the extra pay, but (Y/n) had just winked at the hedgehog and agreed to one more night.

He slept lightly. He hadn't found it in himself to completely trust that (Y/n) would always be able to protect him - not that he needed her to - and the Dregs were full of Mobians who wanted to kill him. 

And so it was that Sonic's ears twitched as the door creaked open, rousing him from sleep. His senses snapped to him a split second later and he was on his feet just as a stranger he'd never seen drove a knife into the bed where his heart had been. 

Without a word, the blue hedgehog vaulted himself over the bed, kicking the intruder back into the wall with both feet and landing in a crouch before him. The stranger snarled, pushing himself up and glaring at the hedgehog with dimly glowing purple eyes. 

"You're going to have to be a lot faster than that," Sonic said quietly. His attacker smirked dryly. 

"Am I, now? You don't have your speed, pretty boy. You're going to have to learn to fight dirty." With that, he lunged at the blue hedgehog, knocking his head against the metal frame of the bed. Sonic swung his fist blindly, the stranger ducking and throwing him on his back. The hero grunted, tucking his legs and shoving his attacker off, blocking another punch and throwing one of his own. 

The stranger suddenly wove around Sonic, retrieving the knife still stuck in the mattress and jumping at the hedgehog once again. He grabbed the hero's face, shoving him backwards and driving the knife towards his ribs. Sonic curved backwards, feeling the metal tip graze his stomach when three gunshots sounded in succession, the Mobian before him collapsing on the ground, blood spilling from the new bullet wounds. He looked up.

(Y/n) stood in the doorframe, smoking gun still pointed at the stranger. She blew on the barrel before shoving it back into the holster at her hip. She checked her watch.

"Five thirty," she said. "I think we can clear out of here. Doc doesn't need to clear us because, well, because I said so."

"You just killed him," Sonic whispered, still staring at the body of his attacker. He dragged his gaze up to her. "And you're just brushing it off?"

"It was him or you. What did you want me to do? Let him stab you?"

"There were so many other ways to stop him!" Sonic shouted. Her ears flattened and she glared at him. "You didn't have to shoot him!"

"Would it make you feel better if I said I panicked?" she growled. She whirled around, stalking out of the room. Sonic stared after her, trembling furiously. He quickly wound down, though, dropping to his knees beside the stranger. Her aim was true, of that he was certain. He shook his head, his ears pressing flat to his head.

He stood up a minute later, hesitating before slipping out of the room and creeping after (Y/n).


She described her home as quaint. Sonic would have used many words, but not quaint. Her decorations may have been simple and elegant, but they were expensive. And even though he wasn't into the material world, Sonic could practically smell the money in her walls.

"Seriously?" he said.

"What?" She dropped her duffel bag by the door - he didn't want to know what was in it - turning to face him. "What, you don't like my house? You're welcome to go back to the hospital. I may want something from you, but I don't tolerate whiners."

"Quaint," Sonic said in a poor imitation of her smooth voice. "What is your definition of quaint?!" She grinned.

"I just wanted to get a rise out of you." She blew him a kiss and sauntered off, leaving him standing flustered in the doorway.

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