CHAPTER 16 & 17

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The whole class was so noisy as the students were talking about the newest couples in their class, Wang and Hyeonji.

👥 She's so lucky to be dating Wang

👥 I'm still surprised, Wang is dating Hyeonji? That girl is too innocent for him

👥 She must be feeling on top of the world right now

Suga glanced at Jimoon whose head is on the locker. He stood up and sat beside him.

"Jimoon, are you okay?" He asked but there was no response.

"You don't have to feel bad, okay? Just forget about her, she's not the one for you" he said.

"I'm fine, Suga," Jimoon said, his head still on the locker.

"You're not. I know you, Jimoon. I'm your friend, you don't have to lie to me"

Jimoon raised his head from the locker and stood up.

"I'll be outside for a while" he muttered before going out of the class.

"I really wish he comes back to himself soon"


Jimoon was taking a walk around the school when he came across Hyeonji. She's also walking towards him and they both stopped walking at the same time, staring at each other.

Jimoon broke the staring competition and walked past her.

"Are you okay?" Hyeonji asked.

She turned to face him and he did the same too.

"You don't look like your normal self, is everything alright?" She asked again.

"Are you worried?" He asked back.

Hyeonji bit her lips.

"I know you wouldn't. After all, I'm not your boyfriend" he muttered with a chuckle.

"What are you talking about?" Hyeonji asked.

"You are dating Wang, right?"

"How.... How did you know about this?" She stuttered slightly.

"The whole class already knows about this, everyone is talking about it right now," Jimoon said.

"Oh no...." Hyeonji whispered, running to the class immediately.

Jimoon smiled sadly. Maybe he should just let go of his feelings for her.

He turned to continue his journey but came to face Lisa in his front. Turns out she saw him and Hyeonji together.

"Li..." He was about to call her when she walked past him.

He bit his lips as he stared at her walking away, she's truly ignoring him just as she said.


Hyeonji entered the class as all eyes focused on her almost immediately.

👥 She's so lucky

👥 Wang is one rich dude, I'm sure he's really gonna spend a lot on her.

That was what Hyeonji has been trying to avoid, for the whole class to be talking about her.

🔞 HIS OBSESSION 🔞  (Craving for the whole of him). JIKOOK FANFIC (BXB) MPREG Where stories live. Discover now