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The elevator dinged and Jimin walked out of it, covering his neck with his hands. His face was buried to the floor as he made his way out of the company. He couldn't afford people seeing the love bite on his neck, where will he say he got it from?

*"See? You enjoy it too. Just tell them it's from your boyfriend"*

He remembered Jungkook' words and he clenched his jaws.

"That jerk," he mumbled beneath his breath.

Thankfully, he came across no one as he walked outside the company, though he received some weird stares with the way he was covering his neck, but no one tried to move closer to him. That, he's grateful for.

When he got outside, he met Jungkook resting on his car gracefully as though nothing happened between them.

"How could he after making me uncomfortable?" He almost yelled out.

"Why are you freaking out about it? You enjoyed it, didn't you?" His subconsciousness mocked.

Jungkook glanced at the entrance and a smile left his lips when he saw Jimin staring, more like glaring at him.

His eyes went to his hands which were around his neck and he cackled at his shyness. Why was he shy about that?

He raised his hand and waved his hand, motioning him to come over to him.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he took another path, walking far away from him.

Jungkook frowned. He took fast strides to him and in a second, he was already behind him.

"And, where are you going without me, Cara Mia?" He asked behind him.

Jimin ignored him as he kept walking, his hands still around his neck.

He gasped when he felt himself being lifted from the ground, his arms going around Jungkook neck reflexly.

He stared at Jungkook with wide eyes who in turn winked at him.

"Put me down" he whisper yell

"Why?" Jungkook muttered as he began walking to the car.

"People are staring" he whispered again.

"So? I love it that way" he smiled.

Jimin looked around and when he saw a few eyes on them, he hid himself on his chest till they got to the car.

The chauffeur opened the car as Jungkook gently placed him on the chair, he quickly moved far away from him, staring outside the window.

Jungkook sat beside him and the car drove out of the company.

"Baby?" Jungkook called but there was no response.

"Are you mad at me?" Still no response.

He sighed and brought out his phone and started pressing it.



Hyeonji was in the kitchen with the maid, preparing the dinner. Though the maid was totally against it, she(Hyeonji) insisted that she was doing it because she was bored.

"Miss, I can continue from here alone. You have to go to your room" the maid said.

Hyeonji smiled.

"You can't be doing everything alone, you know? I have to help sometime too" she muttered.

🔞 HIS OBSESSION 🔞  (Craving for the whole of him). JIKOOK FANFIC (BXB) MPREG Where stories live. Discover now