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Felix stared into space dreamily, a pen in his mouth. His mind was all over his hot Boss, he couldn't even sleep last night as he was just thinking about him.

"Is there really a human being as hot as he is?" He asked aloud.

"Hmm? What?" Jessi asked, glancing at him with the corner of her eyes.

"He's just so hot," Felix smiled.

"Who?" Jessi asked, finally staring at him.

"The CEO"

"Everyone knows he's hot, but don't go near him or else you're gonna lose your job just like Jojo," Jessi said.

That snapped Felix out of his thoughts. He faced Jessi.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"The CEO hates it when you make advances on him, you can lose your job just because of that" Jessi said.

"Whoa! He's strict tho, if you see the way he acted yesterday" Felix shook her head.

"But he's the best, I can bet that" Jessi smiled.

Felix smiled.

"I wish I can have an excuse to see him today, too bad he's on a trip" he mumbled.

"The secretary is really lucky to go along with him"

"Yes, he is," Jessi agreed.

"I can't wait to see him again," Felix said to himself.


Jungkook stared at Jimin who was looking so embarrassed. It was obvious in his face as he had totally gone red.

He couldn't believe Jimin would slap a woman just because he was talking to him. And, he addressed him as his man!

He faced his cousin who was still in total shock due to the slap she just received.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I thought you were..."

"Who's he?" The lady asked Jungkook, cutting Jimin off.

Jimin bit his lips.

*Good job Jimin, you just ended up disgracing yourself* his subconsciousness mocked.

"My boyfriend," Jungkook said.

"My jealous and possessive boyfriend" he added, staring at Jimin with a grin on his face.

"Your boyfriend? You mean your boyfriend?"

Jimin was expecting her to shout or to insult him but she did the other thing. She pulled him to a sisterly hug.

"Oh my! This is so shocking!" The lady screamed happily.

"You don't have to embarrass me, Bibi" Jungkook mumbled

"Oh my! You're so beautiful, very beautiful" Bibi smiled, still hugging Jimin.

"You're not mad at me?" Jimin asked slowly.

Bibi shook her head.

"Why would I? It's totally understandable, dear" she said.

She broke the hug to stare at him.

"You don't have to feel bad, okay? I actually love it though, keep acting this way so those ugly bitches will stay clear off your man" she said.

"That's enough, you should go and do what I asked of you" Jungkook said.

🔞 HIS OBSESSION 🔞  (Craving for the whole of him). JIKOOK FANFIC (BXB) MPREG Where stories live. Discover now