Chapter 18 - An Armful of Denki

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WARNINGS: mention of maiming

Kaminari had his feet kicked up on his desk, his chair reclined, and a can of soda just within reach. Life was good. Granted, he had a pile of homework staring at him from mere inches away, but hey, this was a vibe and like hell was he going to let maths ruin it. He idly scrolled through his phone, chuckling to himself occasionally when a particularly funny cat meme came up. 

His aunt had gone out for the afternoon with her friends, giving him the run of the house. And he has to say, for an aunt he didn't know about, she was one badass woman. She managed her own pharmaceuticals department in the local med school, teaching students from all over the world the ways of antibiotics and vaccines. Most of her work was lost on Kaminari when she told him about her day, but at least her students sounded like an interesting bunch. She had offered him a taster day in the course, to get to know the basics and his potential peers, but he shook his head and rambled on about his dreams of becoming a hero, to which she just smiled and nodded. 

Truth was, however, Kaminari wasn't sure what he wanted anymore. He had thought heroism was the path for him - the only path for him. His ride-or-die plan. Sure, he never actually thought he'd get the opportunity to make it happen - those things only ever happened in movies, after all - but he'd jumped at the invitation to join the ranks of U.A. Everything he ever wanted, handed to him in a single message that someone probably didn't think twice about composing. But it was for him. He'd done it. He made it.

Then Blue Crossed came along and set his world ablaze. 

With his arm twisted, Kaminari did what he had to do. He was never proud of it, more often than not making him sick to his stomach. His uncle was just as terrible. Taunting him, berating him, making him feel like this was the only choice he had. That without the path Blue Crossed offered, he would never be anything

So, there he went, fucking things up.

That was until it started hitting too close to home. 

First was Monoma's disappearance, and the mark on his arm Kaminari just knew was there. There was no way they wouldn't do something like that. Blue Crossed was rotten to the very core. He sometimes wonders how someone like Crossed and Aizawa sensei came from the same womb. 

Then it was Shinso. His Shinso. Well, technically not his, by any means, but... yeah. Kaminari chewed his lip, trying to shift his thoughts away from that particular thought pattern. It was too early on a Saturday afternoon for an existential crisis. That could wait until later. 

But then there was the attack on the Aizawa household. 

And then the night everything went to shit. 

Shinso went missing. Again. This time not coming back. 

Then Aizawa, gone without so much as a trace. 

And as if that wasn't bad enough, but to then find out one of his best friends was a literal psychotic traitor. Bakugo was the plot twist he hadn't seen coming, and that's saying something. Especially since he could now add maiming to his resume. Sure, Monoma had given him the go-ahead, but good God, he doesn't think any amount of therapy could help with that.

With a reluctant sigh, Kaminari withdrew his feet from the desktop and sidled up to it, pulling the stack of homework closer. Ah well, I got time to kill. He took a sip of his soda, placing it back on the coaster his aunt insisted on him using, and started reading the first page.

That's when the doorbell rang. 

"Must be a sign." He muttered, shoving his work to the side with enough excitement, it would make Momo shake her head mournfully. He plodded downstairs, the bell ringing again by the time he reached the lobby. Yes, the lobby. Not just entrance hall, the lobby. His aunt was too rich and had too little time to spend the money, he'd slowly began to figure out. Good job he could help with that, especially since he'd finally hit his growth spurt and needed new clothes every few months. 

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