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Well, folks, ain't this been a wild ride.

If some of you have heard from me before, welcome back! If you haven't, nice to meet you!

And now, for the question of the hour:

Will there be another book?

Yes. Yes there will.

Now, I just want to say thank you all so much for the comments, votes, and reads from every single one of you. They mean the absolute world to me and are the best inspiration to keep going. You know, this AU was only meant to be a single book long. Then it turned into a duology. Now it's a series. That's wild.


About Book 3. The next instalment of the Blue Crossed series is underway, but I will be taking a short break from this AU. I've been working on it for more or less a year straight, and honestly I just need a moment to breathe. I will be continuing with other projects in the meantime, but just know I will definitely be returning to this story.

On another note, feel free to check out any of my other fics to keep you occupied until then! I've got works in the Legend of Zelda and Sonic, as well as another MHA fic that's still in progress.

All in all, I hope you've all enjoyed the second part of this Dadzawa adventure, but don't remove it from your libraries just yet! I will make a Book 3 announcement right here to keep you all in the loop.

Until next time,


Little Miss Aizawa | Dadzawa [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now