Chapter 20 - Those Damn Parenting Instincts

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"Pa, just wait a minute." Hanta latched onto Hizashi, the Pro already halfway out the door. 

Hizashi looked pained as he stopped, hand gripping the doorframe as if it were the only thing keeping him grounded. "Listen," He murmured, voice low, "I can't let you fight this. There is no telling what she will do, and I can't put you in more danger than you already are." 

Hanta grit his teeth because, one, he completely understood what his Pa was talking about and two, he hated it. They had already been put in harms way - some more than once - and had come out on top every damn time. They were more than just Heroes in training now; they were walking targets with every chance of being attacked anywhere at any time. Whether they stayed here or went to fight the good fight, their chances of being left alone were slim at best. 

"This isn't your choice to make." He hissed. "I'm going."

"Right, I'll get the gear." Without waiting for the counter argument, Neito took to the stairs and disppeared into Hanta's room. 

"Can I-"

"No." Midoriya cut Hitoshi off, lightly shaking his head to take away the edge of his voice. "Someone needs to stay with Eri." Hitoshi looked like he wanted to argue, but effectively drew a blank. Eri was just as much as a target as the rest of them, and he had to begrudgingly admit - a mind control Quirk was rather effective at keeping people at bay, whether that be with fear or blatant force. 

"Hanta-" Hizashi's hands raked through his hair, pulling at the blond strands in unfiltered frustration. The boy just turned his back on him, facing the stairs as he waited for Neito to return. "Hanta. Look at me. Now."

One thing the boys could never accuse Shota or Hizashi of was shouting at them. Sure, they raised their voices on occasion, (who didn't with children?), but they never shouted at them. That's why the drop in Hizashi's voice had the hair at the nape of Hanta's neck standing on end, skin prickling with uncertainty. He hadn't heard that tone in years, and even that was when Neito nearly tipped a bookcase onto himself and scared the shit out of them.

Slowly, Hanta turned around, feeling like a child being chided as he kept his eyes firmly on the ground.

"Look at me, please." His Pa's tone had softened, suddenly making him want to curl into his arms like when he was younger. God, he missed those days. Everything was so much simpler, and everyone was there. No missing pieces of their ragtag family, no pain, no Villains. Just them against the perils of domestic life.

Hanta looked up.

"You know I love you. I love all of you." Shit, he could feel his eyes beginning to water. "And there's nothing I hate more than watching you throwing yourself into danger. But just understand, just- just because I'm not happy with you doing something, doesn't mean you shouldn't." Hizashi drew in a deep breath, his brow pinching in the middle. "This is going against every damn parenting instinct I have, but..." He met Neito's eye at the top of the stairs, holding the box of gear, "suit up."

Hanta was lost in the flurry of movement that followed in the passing moments, but before he knew it Hitoshi had his arms wrapped around each of them, then they were out the door and in the car.

"Will you be alright in that?" Hizashi turned up the collar of his hero costume, then shoved the keys into the ignition, glancing at Grey.

The boy nodded, sliding into the front seat before the others even had the chance to argue over who rode shotgun. "I've gone to battle in worse."

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