Chapter 22 - Please Define 'Stop'

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Midoriya's stomach rolled with nausea as another punch landed square in his gut. He stumbled backwards, clutching his abdomen and fighting to keep his eyes open. 

Find Bakugo, they'd said. Stop him, they'd implied.

Well, he'd found him alright.

Green lightning rippled across his body, like a storm rolling in from overseas. He could feel the other Quirks lingering just beneath his skin, ready to burst out and wreak havoc amidst the battle, but he kept them quite. This wasn't a time to be careless, to let his guard down when the feeling of something new and unruly reared its head in the form of a new technique or, every so often, a Quirk unlocked. 

"You Quirkless piece of shit!" Bakugo howled, hands raised above his head as his sweat ignited into powerful blasts in his palms. "You're nothing but a fake!" 

Midoriya wanted to say something, to defend the honour of having inherited One For All from All Might himself, and every other holder before him. His eyes grew wide as another attack was thrown his way. He could feel the heat from the explosions warm his skin as he ducked out the way, mentally thanking Hanta for the tinted visor that prevented the glare of the fire from damaging his eyes.

He grit his teeth as One For All surged down his arm and released with a flick of his finger. His control and concentration had improved since their last stand-off, the obvious surprise of his development evident on Bakugo's unmasked face. A part of Midoriya had wished the boy had a mask like the others - whether he meant crossed or ringed, he wasn't sure - just so that he didn't have to see the eyes he once looked up to, had admired, had thought of as a friend. 

"I earned this Quirk!" Midoriya fired back, the aftershocks of his attack still quaking in his joints. "You didn't earn anything!"

Bakugo, seemingly even more enraged - if that were even possible - fired at the ground and propelled himself upwards.

Midoriya swung Blackwhip to the side, flinging himself into the air and after his ex-classmate. 

"Waste of space!" Bakugo yelled out, furiously powering further and further into the sky. Midoriya felt a pool of dread gather in the pit of his stomach. Any higher and they'd risk falling from a height they wouldn't be able to catch themselves from. He could feel the bitterness of the atmosphere beginning to seep through his suit, the freezing wind working its way behind his mask and making his eyes sting. 

"At least I'm fighting for the right side!" He shouted over the howling wind.

"You always thought you were so smart." Bakugo bit back, voice edged with venom. "Never thought you could be wrong!"

"I've been wrong plenty of times!" Blackwhip wrapped around Bakugo's torso and tugged them together. They collided in the middle, both grunting in discomfort. "I was wrong to trust you!"

Bakugo's smile grew wicked. "You were wrong to think you'd be anything but a Quirkless Deku!"

Midoriya was glad for the mask in that moment. This way, Bakugo wouldn't see the flash of pain warp his features, the stinging in his eyes not only triggered by the wind. He didn't say anything to this, only tightening his hold on the Villain as they began their descent back towards the city.

He felt his stomach lurch into his throat, a throbbing pain in his head as they plummeted through the atmosphere. The worst case scenarios flashed through his mind suddenly. What would happen to his mother's house if he... yeah. Before... everything, Shota had put through a request to have the house put in the Aizawa name, if only to save it from the clutches of the estate agents. The plan was to keep it until he turned eighteen, then he could decide what to do with it himself, but if he never made it to eighteen...

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