Stuart book 2 Season 2 Playing with fire

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By, Christian Martinez.

Chapter 1.. Playing with fire.

Last time on stuart... Stuart has gone out cold. Then the kid came along to play with his little remote.. Then they all found out that Stuart can now control nature. Which is kinda freaky, then they meet zack. Zack the fighting bunny. Then they play a little game of hide and seek with zack. Next thing you know.. Kid is hungry and makes a chef that makes him pizza! The crew went to a haunted mansion, they saw an old man who is actually the puppet master. Afterwards they went to find a kid. Kid who is eating pizza, someone slaps Kid's hand and his pizza falls to the ground. Who did it? Stuart did. Also not to mention before they kicked the pizza out of kids hand, they met a dark figure who fought them and that's where Nate died. Anyways kid vs stuart and his team. Kid runs away and the chef fights them. Stuarts win and unlock tornadoes! Then Jack comes along and teaches them a lesson. Stuart failed. Then they find a circus and that's where we are now. Hi! I am zack! And i- OW OW! Give me that. Ahem. sorry folks but let's go on with the story. Stuart looks at his sword. His sword is burning. "Well.. this is nice! Jack gave me a fire crystal.. Lemme see the chart of crystals again..- --------------------------

What each crystal means

Fire, any with fire.

Natuare. Anything with nature and weather.

Water, anything to do with water, ice is included.

Electric shock, stunned crystal.

Snatcher, puncher. Steal other beings' powers. No matter how big they are.

True power, giver. This crystal can give you any powers. Can be used only one time.

??????????? Can distgrnate anything. It even takes away immortal powers. Nothing can block it. Go through anything. One touch, you can't heal yourself, your body will disappear and turn into ashes. Can even brake portals.


-ok... I got the fire crystal.. Let's see what I can do." Stuart then puts his hand out. "Ok that did-" fire comes out and burns the ground. "-something..." Stuart then smirks and looks at his sword. Stuart then spells his name into the air with fire. "Sssss-s-tttt-t-uuuu-u-aaaaaaa-a-rrrrrrrr-r-tttttt-t.. Stuart!" The fire then floats on air and spells stuart. Stuart then nods his head. But then the fire disappears and turns into smoke that flies into the sky. Stuart then throws his hands showing that he does not care anymore. "Welp... time to find zack and marry!" Stuart then bends his knees and his wings grow out. Stuart looks up and jumps high into the air. Stuart then thinks.. "Can I use the fire as a boost? Time to test!" Stuart flaps his wings and puts his hands out.. A burst of fire that lights up the sky- gives Stuart a big dash. "Woo-hoo!! I'm not even trying and yet I'm still going fast!" Stuart then throws more fire and goes faster. Stuart then makes a U' turn and then goes faster. The stars up in the sky gives Stuarts hope that he can beat the kid and save the multiverse. Stuart flaps his wings. Then he slows down to see Zack and Marry entering the circus. Stuart thinks "this can't be the next boss.. Please do not tell me." Stuart then looks at the paper.


"You gotta be kidding me..." Stuart then shakes his head and flies to the ground. He lands slowly. Then he runs to his peers. "WAIT!" Marry and Zack look at each other and then behind. "STUART!" they both scream. They then both hug stuart. "I thought you were dead!" marry said. "I thought you were sleeping!" said zack. Stuart then gives Zack the weird look. "What? Sleeping? Why would I be sleeping during a fight!" Zack shrugs. Stuart looks at Marry. "Why are you guys going into a circus in the middle of a forest?" Marry then says, "we've been through a lot! The least thing we can do is... relax!" Stuart then tells Marry, "YEAH! But.. in the middle of a forest?! Doesn't that seem very suspicious to you?" Zack then comes out of nowhere and says "not at all." Stuart then shows them the paper. "We are near kids game! He wants us to go there!" Zack puts his finger up and says "He can not be dumb enough to build a circus to lead us in!" Stuart then narrows his eyes and says, "he literally wasn't smart enough to block his pizza or let le chef grab his pizza while I broke in. besides! He is just a kid!" -back in kids infinite space- "AAAAAA! Wow.. that hurt!" -back to the outside of the circus-

Stuart Season 2 book 2 Playing with fireWhere stories live. Discover now