Chapter 8

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-Peter pov-
I have no idea what I am doing anymore. It has been a few weeks since I saw Ned behind the mask. He knows MJ cause they stayed in contact after the reset of minds. But how the hell did he throw May out of his ass?!

Parker is her last name and became mine. I had to go through hell to get my shit scrounged up. I lost everything after the world forgot about me. But now it seems things are slipping into the stream again.

The mansion shakes some and takes me from my thoughts. I get up as my senses go off. Soon I am looking at everything as it rotates around and doubles. I am in the mirror dimension again.

I leave through the door to see I am not alone. I am with Steven and Kurt. He tries teleporting around but can not get very far. I look at Steven for help but he shakes his head.

The mirror dimension splits again and I web Kurt to me. I try to speak but the words die in my throat. I point to where Steven stands and Kurt gets us there. I look at Steven who still seems to be lost on what is happening.

We move around the area and either teleport or web swing to a new space. Everything seems to be splitting farther and farther every now and then. I see Steven looks more and more worried. Soon though there is a bright light and Steven is gone.

In his place is a confused Wanda. She looks around then at us. Something is happening and I am not liking this. Someone has put us in this for a reason.

"Kurt?" My voice is back "If Wanda can boost you, do you think you can make it to get a sling ring?"

"The ring the wizard owns?" I nod and he seems to think deeply before nodding "I can give it a try"

"Wanda try to boost his powers" She nods and soon he is gone "Lets hope he can make it back"

-Time skip-
It has been hours that we have been in this dimension. I think at least cause my watch is malfunctioning. Wanda seems to be growing distressed beside me. I look at where Kurt was and sigh.

He is not coming back to save us. No one is coming back to save us. We are too far gone into the mirror at this point. I can not even do the math to get us to a new place.

"Pe" I stand up with Wanda as sparks fly in front of us "Peter jump!"

A portal opens and I sling the two of us through. We land in the mansion and I look around. Everyone seems to be worried and stressed. It looks as though something has been going on.

"It has been a few days" I look up to see a hurt Sam "Bucky is gone, Steven has disappeared, Xavier is missing, and some others are injured"

"Why were we taken away?" I see them share looks "What?"

"Kang is here and it seems he wants Wanda" Wong sighs and I know what is about to be said "I sent you three there but Steven interrupted the spell as I was doing it"

"DUCK!" Wanda pushes me and Kurt away as a huge star takes the others out "Steven is waiting for us"

"Why should I trust you?" She rolls her eyes and scoffs "Excuse me but you just hit my friends! This is not starting as a good friendship test!"

"Look!" I turn and see they are turning into green aliens "Now come on!"

"Oh god" I turn and look at Kurt "Bud?"

"I am me" He looks at the aliens still out cold "They even had me believing"

"Come on!" We follow the girl but stop quickly "Oh god"

"Are those zombies?" I look around to see more copies of our friends "What the hell is going on?"

"Kang has caused a divergence" I freeze as Tony lands in front of me "Hey kid"

"To-Tony?" He nods and I hug him "I have missed you so much"

"I have missed you too" Wait a minute "My Peter took the gauntlet and sacrificed himself for the world"

"That is what you did here" He chuckles and I am confused "What?"

"You really have become like me kid" He places a hand on my shoulder "I am proud of you Peter"

"Thank you" A siren goes off and we all look to see the skies become purple "He is getting closer"

"Come on" A star opens beside us "We can get to the others by this"

We follow through the star before it closes. I see some X-Men and Avengers around us. It is noticeable some people are missing. I also see the guardians are here minus Drax.

"Kang is a conqueror and will not stop at anything" We all turn our attention toward Scott "This is what we know on how to stop him"

We all focus as it becomes apparent we are about to go into war.

Will you love me in my dark times? (Peter x Pepper)Where stories live. Discover now