Chapter 17

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-Peter pov-
I groan as I stand up just to realize I am in a cell. I look across to see that Oldest Peter is across the way. I can kind of see older Peter beside him and Miles off to the side in a reflection. The girl reflection I see is what confuses me some.

"You played a vital role in my downfall" We all look to see a Kang lowering from the ceiling "You all cost yourselves with them but I beat them all! I came back from the multiverse and took them all out! I became what they wanted! What they saw me being! But I will take down the multiverse! I will start by taking down all of you! The top Spider-Men and the ghost spider! The way to beat the strongest of you is simple"

"You can not break me" He chuckles and soon Pepper is pulled into his hand "Pepper!"

"I do not have to break you" He visibly starts squeezing her throat tightly "I will break her and watch your breakdown from losing the one you love!"

"You will not win" He narrows his eyes and I slam my fist into the force field "You will not win!"

"You can not win!" Oldest Peter smashes his fist into the force field "We are the heroes!"

"We will not stand down!" Older Peter does the same motion and adds a kick "We will beat you! Evil will never win!"

"Your problem was getting a bunch of science geeks together" I see Miles reflection start to disappear "Shit happens"

"WHERE DID HE GO?!" Kang throws Pepper who gasps for air as she slides across the floor in pain "Where the hell did he go?!"

I see Kang open the cell and walk in "He is gone!" Miles electric webs shock our locks and our cells open "What the hell?!"

"You tried taking our loved ones" I look at Pepper "You may not remember me ever but I love you Pepper...thank you for helping me in my dark times"

I turn and charge at Kang with the others. We start getting blasted back but we keep at him. We gets backed up to a window and I charge with Oldest Peter. We tackle him out it as the others follow.

We attack him as we fall and when one is blasted away another one of us moves down. We end up crashing into the ground and he seems to take damage. Miles and the girl damage a gauntlet before being blasted away by the other. He staggers up and I stand with the Peters against him.

"You will not win!" He glares at us as his breathing has turned ragged "You will lose!"

"We may lose" I get ready to launch at him with the other two "But so will you"

I launch over to him with the guys and he blasts oldest Peter away. We start throwing punches at him and get him good until he bounces back. He takes older Peter down and grabs me. He picks me up and slams me down into the ground.

I cough up blood and barely block a punch. I look in his eyes to see something wrong. His body messes up and it clicks. He has battled Time and Space to get here.

He is becoming one with time and space. He will disappear permanently. I could try to help him but he is past the point of helping. I only see one way for this to end and I never wanted it to come to this.

"I have held back for years" I dodge a punch and take a deep breath "I am sorry Ben"

I through a full force punch and he goes flying off of me. I stagger up as does he and I can tell he is different. He has a stumble to his stance now. I damaged him deeply and he was not ready for that.

I rush over and continue the attack. I get hit a few times but I just keep going. I am stopped momentarily by a blast to the chest. I feel my heart burn but I power through.

I know someone will come to stop him. I know that this is all worth it. I know that they will come cause they are the Avengers. They always come because they are Earths Mightiest Heroes.

I through a punch and make him dent into the ground. I stumble backwards though when I get blasted again. I groan and fall to a knee. I look up and see him stumble his way to me.

He stands above me and I know I am beat. I wait for the punch but it never comes. He falls to a knee and I look him in the eyes. The fire is still inside of them with something new.

"You are the mightiest Avenger" He holds his hand out toward me "You earned my respect Peter Parker"

"Maybe in another life it would have been different?" He nods and I shake his hand "What happens now?"

"We die" I sigh and he continues on "You have given your life to make sure they all continue on"

"Will they remember me?" He nods and I let out a shaky breath "I guess I did everything correctly then and maybe my legacy will live on"

-Pepper pov-
I finally was able to give the Avengers my location. The week being locked in here gave me time to get my memory back. It helps when the evil guy wants you to suffer. We rush out where I saw the Spiders go.

I am stopped by the others as they rush out. I am confused until they all come back. The spiders are all frowning as are the Avengers. I am confused until I see Sam carrying him.

"Pete?" I rush over and take him into my arms "Pete stay with me ok? Stay with me!"

"I did it" He smiles "I saved the world Pep"

"You have so much more time Peter" I cup his face "Please stay with me!"

"I am dying Pepper" He reaches up and cups my face "I love you"

I watch the life leave his eyes as his hand falls. I scream and breakdown as I hold onto him. I have lost two people I love in my life. I just wanted to finally have a happy ending.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear other cries break out. We lost a true hero today. I lost someone I love today. I have no clue how we carry on.

I just hope we are able to carry on.

Will you love me in my dark times? (Peter x Pepper)Where stories live. Discover now