Chapter 9

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-Pepper pov-
"You all think you are the best!" Kang chuckles to himself and slams his first down onto his thrones arm "YOU ALL WILL FALL TO ME OR PERISH! I AM THE TRUE BEST OF THE BEST! I AM KANG THE CONQUEROR!"

"You are nothing" Bucky spits at Kang "You will never be anything but a deviant and my bitch"

"Your bitch huh?" Bucky is soon grabbed by the back of his head and Kang places the other hand over Bucks face "How about I show you all a trick? I would love to show you all what is going to happen to those who disobey me"

We watch in horror as a energy beam shoots through Buckys head. I feel sick and Sam yells but can not do anything. He is restrained back and we all cringe as Bucky slumps to the floor dead. Kang smirks and walks over to Clint's replacement.

"You seem intriguing and I am sure you could rule beside me with time" He runs a hand through her hair "I have always wanted a bride"

"No!" Steven breaks free and uses magic chains to restrain Kang "You are going to die or I will trying to kill you"

"You may try" Kang grabs the chains with his smirk still in place "But you will fail"

"Go!" A portal opens and Kangs smirk leaves "GO NOW!"

We all rush as our chains release us. Kang starts fighting back as Sam rushes him with Steven. We all get through the portal before it closes. I look around to see a world full of chaos.

There are zombies chasing people while being hunted as well. Villains are saving people from themselves as well. The sky is red and the world is on fire. People are screaming for help.

Where are the avengers in their time of need?

"Dead" I turn toward Xavier who is being helped by Magneto "So are the X-Men right now"

"There has to be a way to fix this all" Xavier shakes his head as tears fall "YOU ARE THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE! TELL US HOW TO FIX IT!"

"That would be me" Reed steps forward with a frown "All of the Illuminati agree there is no saving the earth from this time of Kang"

"This time" We all turn to see the rest of our group and Ant-Man standing there "We have figured out a possible way of beating him"

"You want to use Time?" Scott nods and Reed seems to go into deep thought before nodding "It should work if we get a device to turn him back to a younger state"

"What about all of this?!" I motion around at all of the chaos "How do we fix this?"

"We can" Wanda stands next to a teenage girl "But we will need help with a distraction"

"Let's do this" I look at the man beside Peter and freeze "I see Pepper still exists here too! Our son loves you dearly as I am sure you own does?"

"Daughter" I smile tensely "Morgan is her name"

"3000?" I nod and he gives a sad smile "She will live a good life I am sure"

"We need to focus up" Reed speaks and gets our attention back on the mission "We need to end this here and now"

We all nod and head on our way to save the day.

-Time skip-Peter pov-
I swing into the building just to be chained. There is a slow clap and I look up to see Kang. He is just like they explained him to be. I kind of think he looks cool.

"I know you are the distraction but who cares" I am being moved and I feel all hope leave my body "Bucky is dead, Sam is barely there, and Steven...well he will be dead tomorrow I am sure"

"You monster" He scoffs and the chains tighten "Let me go and fight me fairly!"

"Cause you could do what they could not?" Kang chuckles and walks up to me "Fine! But if I win then you die!"

"Deal" The chains come off and I knock him on his ass "But I am not pulling punches so when I win, you fix this all"

"Problem facing someone who has multiverses" An infinity gauntlet slowly appears on his right hand "You can never know what they will bring out"

"That is what we banked on" He looks confused and it is my turn to smirk "I brought a powerful with and two sorcerers"

The building changes to show that the teams are here. His eyes go wide as he looks around. He goes to snap but we stop him. We get the gauntlet off his hand and force him to fight.

Problem is that he can actually fight.

We get taken to our limits as we take him to his. We go against him and beat his ass the best we can. Soon it is him against Tony, Sam, and Me. Tony charges Kang just to be caught and blasted.

I yell and punch Kang away as I hold Tony. His arc is struggling to function. I can tell it is causing problems cause of his breathing. I go through all of the scans and see he is dying.

"I will see my son again right Peter" Tony's makes raises and we make eye contact "He will see me again right?"

"Yes" I let a watery smile show "You will Tony"

"Thank you" He smiles and places his hands on mine "I love you kid"

I watch Tony die in my arms before I lay him down. Sam is struggling to beat Kang by himself. I should kill this bitch but I will not. I charge and give this fucker hell.

We get him taken down enough that Scott can strike with Reed. We move and a blast hits Kang. He yells and a bright light blinds us all. Once we can see again we see a baby where Kang once stood.

We all walk over as the chaos outside slowly goes silent. I pick up Kang in my arms as we stare at the baby. I look over at Rhodes and Deadpool. Logan shakes his head before taking the baby.

I know the question on everyone's mind is simple...what happens next?

Will you love me in my dark times? (Peter x Pepper)Where stories live. Discover now