Chapter 15

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-Peter pov-
I am at the compound because I can not keep running. I am also being forced to face my demons. I sigh as I walk into the meeting room just to stop. I am face to face with someone I have not seen in months now.

"We need to talk" I nod and we both move to seats "So Ned is dead huh?"

"Why did you come here?" She looks away from me "You could have a perfect life away! You could be happy away from here! Away from me and the life that I bring along with me! You can be normal! I want you to be normal!"

"You obviously do not want to talk" MJ stands up and walks to the door "I will be in my room if you change your mind"

"You would be wasting your time" The door closes and I sigh "What pepper? Should you not be happy about this?"

"Peter I want to be with you but not like this" My face is cupped into her hands when she gets to me and my eyes are forced to look into hers "I am an old lady Peter and I can tell your heart still belongs to her"

"You never even got a chance and you never even asked me!" I pull away and stand up "You could have asked! You could have tried! Why did you not try?"

"Peter this whole journey I have learned one thing and it is painfully easy to see" Pepper stands with tears in her eyes "You can not force someone to love you and you can not force someone to forget who they love to love you"

"You could have tried!" She shakes her head and it clicks "Something is not ok is it Pep?"

"Peter something happened and I have no clue when or how" She looks at the ground as tears fall down her face "I think it has to do with something from the stones or something from the suit that was attached  a few months back....I need to know Morgan will be loved Pete"

"Damnit Pepper!" I wipe some tears away and look back at her "How much longer? How long have you known?"

"This last week is when we have up finding a cure" Sad eyes met mine and I can finally see the brokenness she has been hiding in them "We think a month or two"

"No" I shake my head and rush out to the lab "No! I refuse to accept this! I refuse this defeat!"

"Peter!" I start going through the notes to see it is redacted "We hid it Peter"

"BULLSHIT!" I slam my hand down and turn toward her "You do not just get to quit! You do not just get to leave us! Leave Morgan! Leave me! You do not just get to do this!"

She chuckle and shakes her head "Peter I am a grandma to you" She sniffles and wipes her eyes "I am forty-four and not getting younger! I was here while you got wiped away"

"There is a way to save you" She shakes her head and I look at the the computer files again "Some multiverse has the cure Pepper!"

"The only one that does is dead Peter" I stop my movement and turn back to her "Please just...move on before it is too late"

"It is already too late!" I walk over and grab her shoulders "You made me fall! You stole my heart from her Pepper! Why are you not realizing this?! Why are you being like this?!"

"Cause I can see Tony already" She lets out a watery chuckle "He has that goofy smile on his face"

"Pepper?" She collapses into my arms "Pepper you said you had months!"

"Did I?" She shrugs and smiles "I guess I did not expect this to be long"

"No!" She looks me in the eyes again "Please fight it Pepper"

"Can...can you give me one last dance?" Pepper let's her tears fall in streams "Please?"

I nod and pick us both up. I move off the files on the computer and start some nice music. It is a slow paced song. I smile and we start to sway to the music.

By the end of it she seems exhausted. I sit her down and go to the computer. I go through Tony's files and see the suit that little shit used. Tony knew what could happen so he had tested it before.

I go through all the files and find what I need. I move around the lab plus I check in on her every now and then. She seems confused and I can tell I am losing her. I refuse to lose her though.

I get the shot made and rush over to her. I can see the light fading from her eyes. I inject her with it and watch her eyes. All light fades and I fall to my knees.

Twice in a weeks span I have lose people. Two people I loved and cared about. I remove the syringe and just let myself breakdown. I stop when a hand is placed on my shoulder.

I look to see it is Peppers. She is awake and very visibly confused. I am excited as I stand up but the excitement dies quickly. The question I am asked is what kills everything inside of me.

"Who are you and where are we?" My heart shatters to pieces as she stands up "Where am I? Who am I? I remember the name Pepper but my name is Virginia"

I rush to the computer and I finally see small print. I magnify the screen where it is and read it. Tony never thought someone would have to have this done. The only side effect listed is a major one.

"Your name is Virginia" I turn toward her "We called you Pepper and we have so many things to go over"

But where do I begin?

Will you love me in my dark times? (Peter x Pepper)Where stories live. Discover now