Chapter 21

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It's been a few weeks since Ainz had captured the Greed kings. After several sessions of extracting the truth from their minds he had gathered all they could offer. He was a little angry about Surshana's death, but nothing excessive.

However, when he learned of the reason why he had to die, that he had to die just because he was a heteromorph player, Ainz had lost his shit. These bastards with their superiority complex had got to him. They managed to enrage him, and he almost killed them out of sheer frustration. In the end he managed to calm down before he had done anything excessive.

Now he had many things on his mind, about how to punish the kings as well as to begin his experiments on the players. He had to know everything there is to know about players.

He already knew from the memories of the Greed Kings that resurrection was possible, however he had to experiment with auto-resurrect items. After all the kings brought each other back from the grave, he couldn't trust anyone to do that for him. He thought about killing one of them to test resurrection items on a player, however in the end he had decided against it.

He wouldn't let any of them so easily off the hook. If there was a sliver of a chance, that they could remain dead, then he would not risk it. He couldn't rule out it either, that they might resurrect somewhere else. It was common in Yggdrasil that players set up safe points, where they would return upon resurrection. No, they would live a long life so they could repent under his supervision.

Though, he thought that, in truth he really didn't want to deal with them through a prolonged period of time. He had also found a way to test his resurrection magic, and items as well. He would use the body of Surshana, which he could locate thanks to the memories extracted earlier.

Though, he might not be delighted to be used as a guinea pig while killing and resurrected repeatedly he didn't have much of a choice. Ainz thought, he ought to be grateful if in the end he decided to leave him alive.

If his experiments bore fruit, he might even consider coming up with a way to resurrect the others. He only considered this possibility because they had helped him in this past against Cthulhu. He also thought that they might offer him some knowledge that only they had, so he marked it down as a future endeavor.


The resurrection worked even with the lowest tier, however Surshana had lost levels. He went through his repertoire and tried out over 7 ways of resurrection. It had all worked, and even the auto-resurrection items seemed to be usable.

This put him at ease, knowing that even if he were to die, he could resurrect using a god tier item without any exp loss. However, the curse didn't allow him to regain any Hp, he had to test it, and see if it blocks the regained hp after resurrection, one can never be too careful, and so he had started to research ways to spread the curse.

After a few moments, an idea came to him. "Why didn't I think of that? If I learn how to spread it, I might as well devise a way to pass it onto someone else!" He would probably choose someone who isn't deserving of life, in the end of the day that's two deeds well done. He was engulfed in a green light, and his anticipation died down.

"Now back to work." He thought, before teleporting away with the corpse of Surshana. He wasn't ready to deal with him yet, when he had need of him, only then would he resurrect him permanently.


While his breeding experiments were a little too much for him to stomach, thankfully his minions could oversee it in his absence. He had summoned a great variety of powerful beings, though his summons other than undead were limited, he managed to bring forth several level 80+ creatures in a span of a few days. He also had humans, demi-humans, beast-men, and elves kidnapped from various places throughout the world.

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