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Third Person's POV

Early morning mist began to clear, sun raised casting an orange and pink onto a thin layer of cloud as birds sang, dawn chorused and animals stirred. She had been waiting for this morning for so long that she barely believed her eyes when the sharp shadows casted by the street lamps through her blinds started to fade, diluted by the onset of daylight.

Then, a chorus of birds broke the drone of the city traffic. She knew it was too early to be up, but she had waited for this day for too long.

She had trained for it for so many days and now it's here. She went to the balcony and resolved to sit with a tea, waiting for the sun rays to kiss the plants, returning their virescent hues and ushering in the new day.

Relaxing and mentally preparing herself for the day, she finally made her way back to her room to get ready. Upon opening the cupboard, a strong realization hit her that she had nothing good to wear.

Disappointed, she closed the cupboard and sat on the edge of the bed, running crazy ideas through her mind of what to do! And suddenly, something clicked.

Making sure not to make any loud noise, she peeped into her step-father's room, who was sleeping safe and sound. She approached what used to be her mother's cupboard on her tippy-toes.

Opening the cupboard, she started looking for that red dress of her mother that she had loved since childhood, but whenever she asked for it, her mother denied saying that she would give it to her on a special occasion.

After struggling for another ten minutes, she finally found it in the bottom-corner of the cupboard, laying there like a mop. Her heart shattered, seeing her mother's things thrown in the corner like a junk.

Taking the dress in her hand, she closed the cupboard, mentally cursing her step-father. She turned around to leave only to be stopped by him.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as he yawned widely.

"Nothing." she hid the dress behind her back. He never let her take any of her mother's thing because it reminded him of his late wife, and he hated her memories.

"What are you hiding behind your back?" he asked as he stood up from the bed, walking towards her.

"Nothing." By saying this, she ran out of the room, into her room, and locked the door behind her.

"Finally!" she smiled to herself as she inhaled the odour of the dress, which reminded her of her mother. It reminded her of the dark, stormy nights when she used to sleep with her mother, hugging her tightly.

After a fifteen-minute bath, she walked out of the bathroom and got the same red dress on. Combing her hair, she admired herself in the mirror, admiring how similar she looked to her mother.

Applying a little amount of make-up, she went out of the room before wearing her sandles and watch, with her file in her hand. She picked up her mobile phone from Charger almost as an after-thought.

"Where are you heading to?" her step-father asked. She stopped and turned around to look at him.

"I told you last night. I'm going for the interview for 'Birla Empires'." she replied, and he scoffed.

"Admit it, little girl. Your fate is the same as your mother. You won't get any place in these huge companies. Except if the interview is for a coffee-maker." he laughed.

She opened her mouth to give him a reply, but then she reminded herself that this was her day and she won't let anyone ruin it. Especially him. So, she walked out of the house in complete silence.

"Who's gonna give me breakfast? You ungrateful brat!" he shouted from behind but she didn't give a fuck.

She told the auto-driver to park the vehicle at a distance because she didn't want anyone to see that she came in an auto or what back-ground she's from.

Walking into Birla empire, she was amazed to see the company. It felt like a different world to her, her heart started beating faster knowing that if she made it here, then this could be it for her.

"Hello, mam, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked Akshara when she saw her looking here and there like a lost child.

"Uh-ah, ehm, yeah... Ah-hi!" she let out a nervous smile as she went near the reception desk.

"How may I help you?" the receptionist again asked.

"I'm here for the interview." she replied, a little confidently this time.

"Your name?" she asked.

"Akshara." she told her with a smile.

"Akshara?" The receptionist expected her to tell the full name.

"Just Akshara." The smile faded from her face.

"Okay, mam, wait a sec!" she told her as she started searching through her computer.

"Third floor, lobby number one." the receptionist told her, giving her a visitor's card.

"Thank you!" Akshara replied with a smile and headed upwards.

She made it to the third floor and saw almost twenty to thirty girls waiting to get interviewed. They were all drown in make-up, expensive clothes and jewelries.

Akshara hesitantly took a seat, getting insecure by all the fake charms the other girls had. After waiting for an anxiety filled thirty minutes, she was finally called for the interview.

"Hey there, come in. Take a seat!" Aarohi said when she saw Akshara standing at the doorstep.

"Hello." Akshara greeted her politely, handing her her file.

"So, I've seen your file, and it's great. But there are other great CV's then this one." Aarohi told her, making her heart sank.

"Umm...." she struggled for words.

"Tell me, Ms. Akshara, what's so unique about you? Why do you think you are worthy of this job?" Aarohi asked her, resting her elbows on the table.

"I'm hardworking." she replied, not sure of her own answer.

"Aren't we all? " aarohi smiled at her.

"We are but not like me. I can give my best. I can be the best you can ever have." A sudden rush of boldness came upon her.

"Hmm..." Aarohi nodded, impressed by her confidence.

"Well, we'll give you a call if you get selected. You may go now." she told her in a rather polite manner. Akshara nodded before making her way out of the office, thinking maybe it's her first and last time here.

But, we never know what fate has in store for us.

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