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Third Person's POV

Abhimanyu never hated anyone in the business, not even his rivals. He has always maintained a healthy competition with everyone. For him, his haters and the person who envied him were his greatest motivators. No one from the business industry has ever managed to get on his nerves but except Gautam Khanna.

This man was playing mind games with Abhimanyu since day one. He tried every ounce to ruin Abhimanyu, but Abhimanyu never paid that much attention to him until he involved his personal life.

"What's he doing here?" Abhimanyu asked through his gritted teeth.

"I-I invited him!" Neil replied.

"Wait... Why?" he furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"You told me to invite everyone, even your rivals!" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah, but..... Gautam? You know how determined this guy is to ruin me." he tried to keep his voice as low as possible.

"Sorry. I didn't think of that." he apologized.

"Now listen to me carefully, keep an eye on him, and don't let him create any scene." Abhimanyu told him, and he nodded in response.

"Sir, Rhea is asking for you." Akshara said as she came from behind.

"God... akshara. Stop calling me, sir! You're my wife!" Abhimanyu told her.

"I'm not!" she mumbled, and neil let out a chuckle.

"You know what I mean!" he told her and turned his attention to neil.

"What are you laughing at? Go and do what I asked you to." he told him, and neil immediately left the place.

"Come, let's go to Rhea and have dinner together." he held Akshara's hand as they went towards Rhea's direction.

"Oh God! Rhea!" Abhimanyu exclaimed as he saw his daughter's face covered with chocolate, and she giggled.

"Rhee, come, let's get you clean up." Akshara said and took her to the guest room.

"Why are you staring at me?" Abhimanyu asked as he saw aarohi glaring at him.

"You know sometimes I hate you, for what you're doing to her but at the same time seeing her with Rhea like that....." she trailed off.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow at her.

"Leave it. You won't understand." she shook her head.

"I-I'll go check on Rhea." By saying this, he started walking towards the guest room.

"Rhea... No more sweets now, okay? You'll get hyped and won't be able to sleep well." Akshara told her as they both made their way out of the guest room.

"Otay!" she replied innocently.

"Good girl!" she ruffled her hair.

"Mrs. Birla!" she stopped in her tracks and saw a guy standing in front of her.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" she looked up at him as he was quite taller than her.

"I'm Gautam. Gautam Khanna." he held his hand out to her.

She hesitated at first but thought that it would be rude to ignore, so she eventually forwarded her hand towards him. But instead of shaking it, he took her hand towards his mouth and gently kissed her knuckles.

"Akshara!" Abhimanyu came from behind and witnessed the scene in front of him.

Akshara quickly pulled her hand out of his grip, and a smirk formed on Gautam's lips.

"Well, well, if this isn't the great Birla!" Gautam grinned as Abhimanyu glared at him.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here." Abhimanyu said.

"Gotta keep updates, ya know." he again smirked, and Abhimanyu so wanted to punch him and wipe that smirk off his face.

"Well, I might say abhimanyu, I didn't know you've such a great choice." he said, eyeing Akshara from head to toe, and she immediately grew uncomfortable.

"I-I mean. Mrs. Birla, you're such a beauty." he smiled at her.

"She sure is!" Abhimanyu said, holding Akshara by her waist and pulling her closer to him.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat. Enjoy the party, Mr. Khanna." he said and left the place along with Rhea and Akshara.

"Why the hell were you talking to him?" he asked in a low voice.

"I wasn't. He came to me!" she replied.

"Okay... From now on, don't talk to anyone you don't know. Especially him." he told her.

"Whatever." she rolled her eyes at him.

"Aaru, have you eaten anything yet?" Neil asked as soon as he approached her.

"I'll eat later. I need to check on...." she started to walk, but neil held her hand and made her sit.

"No. Not unless you eat something." he said, handing her the plate.

"But... I've to...." he cut her off.

"I'll handle the remaining things. Come on. Open your mouth." he said as she fed her a spoon full.

"You're too cute!" she said, pulling his cheeks, and he blushed lightly.

It was 12 when the guest started to leave and was almost 1:30 when everyone left, including the caterers.

"Did you enjoy today, Rhee?" Akshara asked as she was now putting her to bed.

"A lot!" she exclaimed.

"Princess, you're still awake?" Abhimanyu walked into Rhea's bedroom.

"I'm not that sleepy." she pouted as Abhimanyu sat on the bed beside her.

"That's because you ate too much sugar tonight." Akshara stated.

"Papa, will you read me a story?" Rhea asked.

"Kiddo... It's too late!" Abhimanyu said as he was too tired now.

"Please!" she looked at him with a pout.

"OK, fine!" he said and picked out a story book from the side table.

"You can go sleep now." he told Akshara, who was silently standing at the corner of the bed.

"Okay. Goodnight, Rhea!" she kissed her temple.

"Night!" Rhea smiled at her before placing a kiss on her cheek.

It only took Rhea fifteen minutes to doze off. Abhimanyu silently placed the storybook back and came out of the room. He started walking towards his room when he saw Akshara coming out of the kitchen with a bottle of water in her hand. She had now changed into her comfortable pj's and was no longer wearing her evening dress.

"Akshara." he called her out, making her stop in her tracks.

"Yeah?" she turned around to face him.

"Uh-Thank you for everything tonight. You did great!" he told her, and she looked at him blankly, not sure what to reply.

"I better go. I've to go to the office tomorrow." he said and again started walking towards his bedroom.

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