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Third Person's POV

"Tara?" For a moment, it felt like he stopped breathing. His whole body went numb, and all he could think about was getting separated from Rhea.

"Glad to know you still remember my name." she smiled at him before placing herself on the chair in front of him as she took off her sunglasses.

She hadn't changed at all. Wearing branded clothes and carrying expensive bags. No, she's not rich, but the guys she dates are. She still had that confidence in her that made her walk like she owned the place.

"Why are you here? More specifically, what are you here for?" Abhimanyu asked through his gritted teeth.

"Still that typical, bossy Abhimanyu. You haven't changed at all." Tara chuckled.

"I've no time for your nonsense." he almost yelled.

"What's the hurry dear? You know how many nights I've spent in that prison? At least let me enjoy my freedom fully." she said as she placed both her elbows on the table.

"Listen to me very carefully, if you're here for Rhea...." he couldn't complete.

"Rhea.....How's my baby??? God.... I miss her so damn much." she said with a pout.

"Don't.... Don't even think about it! If you think that I'm gonna let you near my daughter.... You're wrong!" he told her.

"Let me remind you, Mr. Birla.... Rhea is our daughter. See the keyword here? Our!" she quoted with her fingers.

"She's not your daughter. Not anymore! Do you really think I will let her come near a drug addict like you?" he looked at her with disgust.

"Have you ever seen yourself?" she asked, and he frowned at her.

"An alcohol addict. A smoker. Womanizer." she was now counting all those good things about him on her fingertips.

"And you think I'm not good enough for Rhea?" she laughed, and he looked down.

"People change." he responded after some time

"Right! I can change too. You know!" she replied while playing with her hair.

"Get out of here!" he yelled at her and stood up from his position.

"Don't you dare shout at me!" she yelled back, pointing a finger at him as she too stood up.

"Just name your price and leave...." he again shouted.

"I won't tell you that easily. You know how much I love to play. Will see you soon." she smirked at him before wearing her shades and left the cabin as Abhimanyu angrily punched the table.

"Neil, what are you doing here?" Aarohi asked as he entered her office.

"I'm sorry." He said immediately, and she looked at him shocked.

"Why are you apologizing?" She asked.

"He's your brother." He said, and aarohi frowned.

"That guy in the coffee shop with you. It was your brother, right?" Neil asked her.

"How did you....?" She was shocked.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like this. I should've trusted you." He apologized as tears started forming in aarohi's eyes.

"You know how much hurt I was when you accused me of cheating? I thought you understood me, but..." she broke down.

"Aarohi, I'm sorry, please forgive me." He pleaded.

"Leave me alone for some time, please." She requested, and neil looked on.

Abhimanyu left the office early in the evening. On the way, all he could think about was Rhea. Tara's words revolved around his mind.

For the first time in his life, he was scared. Scared of losing someone. Someone who's so dear to him. Someone who has changed his life for once and for all.

He was scared that if Tara took Rhea away from him, he'd again drown into those bad habits from which he got out of after many struggles. And he didn't want to be that person again. He got this new him after many hardships, and he's in no way willing to lose him.

With the thought of losing Rhea, the thought of losing Akshara also crossed his mind. For some reason, he didn't want to lose her, too.

He may deny it, but he had become used to her. Used to coming home and seeing her with his daughter. He was never the person who had planned to have a family, but if it looks anything like this, then he's blessed to have it.

His chain of deep thoughts broke when the driver parked the car in the parking lot of the house. He quickly got out of the car and rushed inside the house. Tara's face again flashed across his mind when he saw Rhea playing with play doh.

"Oh hey! You're home early today." Akshara said as Abhimanyu moved to sit on the couch beside her.

"Well, good for me because I made a shopping list for Rhea's birthday preparations, and these are things we need to buy." she said and forwarded the list to him, but he just sat there numb.

"Buy whatever you want!" he said as he lose up his tie and took off his coat.

"What do you mean? You said we'll go shopping together. It's her birthday, Abhi, and...." she couldn't complete her sentence.

"Just shut up, will you?!?" he yelled at Akshara, making Rhea startled.

"I was just...." she trailed off as she felt tears forming in her eyes.

"You what? I told you to buy whatever the hell you want. I don't fucking care!" by saying this he got up and went to his room.

"Akshu." Rhea approached her and wrapped her arms around her.

"It's okay baby! Your papa is just a little stressed." she replied rubbing her arms lightly.

"He's being a bad boy." Rhea said as Akshara wiped away the tear before it fell from her eyes.

"Come on, let's clean up all your mess." she said, and Rhea started placing her things back in place.

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