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Third Person's POV

"Leave my hand!" she said as he dragged her into a nearby room as soon as Rhea went out of sight.

"Quiet!" he hissed as he closed the door behind them and then turned to look at her.

"Don't you dare touch me without my permission again!" she shot.

"Oh shut up! You don't get to decide here!" he glared at her.

"Why did you even bring me here in the first place? What did I ever do to you?" she asked him.

"Sit down!" he motioned her towards the bed. They both sat down on the bed beside each other.

"I-I don't know how to say this, but the main reason I brought you here for is Rhea." he told her.

"Rhea?" she turned to look at him while he kept his face downwards.

"I didn't know about Rhea until a month ago. I didn't know she existed. But now she's a part of my life and I'll do everything to provide her with what she needs." he stated.

"I still don't get what I have to do with all of this?" she said as she moved her gaze to the wall in front of her.

"I've seen you with her. I've seen how well she bonds with you. I want you to take care of her." he told her.

"So you want me to be a babysitter to your daughter?" she asked.

"No. I want you to be a mother to her." he stated, and her head shot up in his direction.

"No matter how much I dislike you, from now on for the world, you are my wife and the mother of my daughter." he told her, making her speechless.

"I-I.... Why me?" she asked as he stood up from the bed.

"Don't feel special. The reason I chose you is because my daughter is fond of you. Nothing else!" he told her.

"And don't say a word to Rhea about this. She doesn't know yet! I'll tell her when the time comes. For now,  just spend time with my daughter." By saying this, he left the room, leaving her lost in thoughts.

Did he just buy her to be a nanny to his daughter? That's how low her worth is? She knew he wasn't married, but Rhea's mother, where was she? Shouldn't she be the one taking care of her? Thousands of thoughts were circling around her mind.

"Madam!?" Suresh knocked on the door before entering the room, and she stood up from the bed.

"Rhea is waiting for you. I'll guide you to her room." he told her, and she nodded before they both made their way out of the room and towards Rhea's bedroom.

"Have you seen akshara?" Aarohi asked as soon as she entered neil's cabin.

"She left!" he told her, making her shock.

"What do you mean she left? She just joined a month ago?" she asked, to which neil shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm pretty sure abhimanyu has something to do with this. He fired her, didn't he?" she asked, and he again shrugged his shoulders.

"Can't you just answer my single question?" she was now getting annoyed.

"No. Ugh- I almost forgot, abhi told me to tell you to shortlist women for the interview of his new secretary." he told her.

"Not a chance in hell! And why me? He doesn't even like my choice. You do it!" she said and left his cabin.

"Hey Rhee!" Akshara said with a smile as she sat beside her on the floor where all her toys were placed in a manner.

"Thank God! It's been years!" she rolled her eyes dramatically, referring to how long Akshara took to come to her bedroom.

"Drama Queen!" With a little laugh, she pinched her cheek.

"Would you play with me?" she asked as she looked up at her.

"Of course! Oh my God... These dolls are so cute!" she squealed like a child.

"This is my favourite!" Rhea stated, showing her a doll with red hair.

"And you're my favourite!" Pulling her onto her lap, she kissed her both cheeks, making her laugh.

They spent hours playing together filled with nothing but laughs, love, and pure emotions. She never had felt so in love with someone else. The amount of love she had for Rhea was incomparable.

"What's going on here?" Abhimanyu said as he peeked inside Rhea's bedroom.

"Papa! Come play with us!" Rhea exclaimed, and he made his way towards them.

"I guess you're having fun." he said as he sat on the bedroom floor with them.

"I always have fun with akshu!" she stated, and a smile formed on Akshara's lips.

"Well lucky you because from now on she'll be staying with us." he said, and Rhea immediately stopped playing and turned to look at her father.

"Forever?" she asked, and he could see the hope rising in her eyes.

"As long as you want!" he shrugged his shoulder, and she immediately hugged him.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she exclaimed as she broke the hug and kissed his cheek.

"We're gonna have so much fun!" she exclaimed as she turned to look at Akshara, who couldn't help but give her a fake smile, but the sadness that her eyes held didn't get unnoticed by Abhimanyu.

"Princess, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Abhimanyu asked her.

"Pasta!" she replied immediately.

"I'll ask suresh to make it for you!" he said, getting up from the floor.

"Do you want anything specific to eat rather than pasta?" he asked Akshara.

"No!" she shook her head. "Pasta is enough for me." she said. He nodded and left the room.

Walking out of the room, he pulled out his mobile phone from the pocket and dialled neil's number.

"Hey! I was just about to call you." Neil said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Is everything alright at the office?" Abhimanyu asked.

"Everything is just fine. I even short-listed the women for the interview." he told him.

"Good. Now listen to me carefully, I'm going to arrange a grand dinner at my place in a few days and I want you to invite everyone. My business partners, rivals. Everyone." he told him.

"Okay. But why?" Neil asked.

"I brought akshara home!" he replied.

"That escalated quickly! he chuckled.

"I'll tell you the details later. Right now, do what I told you to. I'm done hiding my daughter!" By saying this, he hung up the call.

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