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The encounter he had with Aarohi a day ago couldn't leave his mind because, like always, she didn't tell him anything and left the place. He was now more than determined to know what's bothering her and what's the reason behind her weird behaviour was.

He couldn't even blame Aarohi because that's how she's always been. Stubborn as hell. Someone who won't let you see through her easily. Someone who will cry all night but still manage to have a bright smile the next morning.

"Did you give Aarohi an early release?" Neil asked as he entered Abhimanyu's office.

"Yeah. Her friend is sick and she needed to visit her." he replied, and Neil shut his eyes in frustration.

"Is everything okay?" Abhimanyu asked, moving his gaze away from the laptop.

"Yeah, just..... Nevermind!" By saying this, he rushed out of the cabin.

Abhimanyu was about to call him out when his phone started ringing. Unknowingly, a smile spread across his face as he saw Akshara's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey!" he attended the call immediately.

"I got a call from Rhea's school." she told him, and he immediately grew worried.

"Why? Is she fine?" Abhimanyu asked as he stood up from his position.

"I don't know. The principal wants us at the school, that's why I called you." she told him.

"Get ready. I'll pick you up." he told her and hung up the call.

Abhimanyu hurriedly wound up his work and took off home to pick up Akshara. He parked the car outside and called Akshara for her to come outside quickly.

"God, what's taking her so long?!" He whined, resting his forehead on the steering wheel. After a few minutes, he decided to call her again.

"Abhi, just 2 minutes. I'm coming." He heard her say as soon as she picked up his call.

"Akshara, it's been 15 minutes already. Why do you even need this much time? You look beautiful no matter what you don't need...." he stopped in between as he realized the words that just left his mouth. There was silence on the other side of the phone. He mentally cursed himself for blabbering all of this.

"I'll...I'll be out in a minute. Sorry for making you wait." By saying this, she hung up the call and shut her eyes as she was flattered by his comments. She hated how he had this effect on her. On the other hand, Abhimanyu was also surprised how Akshara can make him lose control over his words and actions.

Just like she said, she was out of the front door of the house within a minute. The moment Abhimanyu took a glance at Akshara, making her way towards his car, he was lost. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. Time froze for him. She was wearing a plain yellow colour saaree and was looking effortlessly beautiful.

In his whole life, he had been with the hottest women, but for him, they were nothing compared to the beauty that was in front of him. He was so deeply lost in her charm that he didn't even realize that she was already in the car and was waiting for him to drive.

"Abhi? Where are you lost?" She asked, breaking his chain of thoughts. He blinked thrice in order to look away, but his eyes again landed on her as he couldn't keep it off of her, and he was right she definitely knew how to make him lose control.

"Abhi!!" Aren't you getting late now?" She waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention.

"Sorry." He murmured and started the car, and she was confused by his weird behaviour.

"Akshara?" He looked at her yet again, and she looked at him.

"You're looking really beautiful." He complimented her. She couldn't help but blush at his words and look away, trying to hide the blood rush of her cheeks while Abhimanyu smiled to himself.

"Why is she taking so much time? It's been fifteen minutes." Abhimanyu said as they were both now sitting in the principal's office.

"Patience abhi!" Akshara said, and he looked at her.

"You know I don't have any and...." Before he could complete the sentence, Mrs. Chopra entered the office.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs. Birla." she greeted them with a gentle smile as she sat on the chair in front of them.

"How are you doing, Mrs. Chopra?" Akshara asked politely.

"I'm good. Sorry to call you here urgently but it was necessary." she spoke.

"No problem at all, but can you tell us what happened?" Abhimanyu was now getting impatient.

"Mr. Birla, this is a well reputable school. We have several rules here which need to be followed and we are very strict about them." she said, and both Abhimanyu and Akshara looked at each other.

"Rhea got into a fight today." Mrs. Chopra told them.

"Is she okay?" Akshara asked with concern.

"Did she win?" Abhimanyu asked, earning a glare from both Akshara and Mrs. Chopra, and he mumbled a sorry.

"Rhea hardly gets into such things. What was the fight about?" Akshara asked.

"I'll call her here. You should ask her." she said and dialled a call. After a few minutes, Rhea entered the office with her class teacher.

"Papa!" she immediately ran towards Abhimanyu and hugged him.

"Rhea. Why am I getting complaints?" Akshara asked as she scooped her in her arms and made her sit on her lap.

"It wasn't my fault!" Rhea replied.

"Why did you even get into a fight?" Abhimanyu asked.

"He said Snowman can't talk!" Rhea told them.

"Who?" Abhimanyu asked.

"Some dumb boy in my class." she replied, and abhi tried to surpress his laugh.

"She punched the boy just because he said Snowman can't talk. Which is true, by the way!" Rhea's class teacher said.

"No! They can! Olaf is a snowman, and he can talk!" Rhea said.

"God.... These freaking Disney movies..." Abhimanyu buried his head in his hands.

"Olaf, who?" Mrs. Chopra asked.

"Huh.... You haven't seen frozen?" Rhea gasped in shock. Akshara couldn't help but laugh.

"Rhea.... That's not the way... You just can't get into fights like this." Abhimanyu told her.

"Sorry, Papa." she apologized with her cute puppy eyes.

"It's alright, princess. Just don't do it again." he ruffled her hair.

"The school hours are almost over. You guys can take her home." Mrs. Chopra said, and they nodded.

"Come on, Rhea!" Abhimanyu scooped her in his arms, and the trio made their way out of the office.

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