Chapter 6 food and discussions

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as the two teams sat across from each other eating their respective foods 

Elizabeth drinks her tea " so Juliane how's it feel to be a team leader?" she asked

Juliane eating sausages " das gut Anna can be a bit energetic and Ella can be a bit full of herselfe being a tiger and all" she said 

Elizabeth" yes Katrina can be a bit cold, Alisa is shy and Kay is much like that Yang girl we met"she said drinking her tea

Juliane" what kind of tea is that?" she asked

Elizabeth" Darjeeling tea" she said taking another sip

Juliane" hmm I wonder what tea taste like but there is so many different types I don't which one I would prefer " she said

Elizabeth" well you never know until you try" she said eating a biscuit 

Juliane" why do you eat that stuff?" she asked referring to the food she got which was the closest thing to British food she could get 

Elizabeth" why is their something wrong with it?" she asked

Juliane" no offense but I herd from my tank crew that British food is the worst in the world" she said 

Elizabeth" perhaps after all no one can win at everything" 

Juliane juts smiled a little 

with Kay and Anna

they were just staring at each other with Anna eating a pretzel and Kay eating some chicken

Kay" so your a  recon vehicle?" she asked 

Anna" ja" she said eating a bit of the pretzel

Kay" whats it like?"   

Anna" you know scouting the enemy occasionally shooting, them driving fast " she said 

Kay" ya I imagine you wouldn't do well in fight with a actual tank" she said 

Anna" well if I did I would drive right up to them and shoot them in the turret"

Kay" that would never work plus were human now so it may never happen" she said 

Anna just crossed her arms and pouted 

Kay" don't be a sour kraut" she said smiling 

Anna just giggled because of the joke 

Kay"at least someone laughs at my jokes" she said taking a bit of her chicken

with Alisa and Ella 

Alisa was just quietly eating Poutine  while Ella looked at her eating her schnitzel  

Alisa" so um uh whats it like being a heavy?" she asked

Ella" vell I'm the best panzer zhe German army had no one is on my level " she said

Alisa" what about the IS-2's and KV-2's? and other Russian heavy's?" she asked

Ella" bah zhey are inferior in every vay both in panzer and panzer crews" she said  

Alisa" ya my tank crew really feared the tigers " she admmitted

Ella" as zhey should"

Alisa" hey Ella hos did you get here?" she asked

Ella" vhat do you mean?" she asked

Alisa" I mean my last memory was a PAK 40 hitting me in the side and me exploding what was yours?" she asked 

Ella" I never vas destroyed I vill never die" she said

Alisa didn't know why but she had a feeling there was more to what Ella said 

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