chapter 57 the nightmare begins

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"-and that's what I saw" Lena Said telling Blitz what happened between Hilda and Glynda

Blitz "sounds about right..that bitch"

Lena "hey she is just upholding our German values"

Blitz "doesn't matter much here we aren't in Germany anymore"

Lena "just because we aren't there doesn't mean we should disregard our obligations to the fatherland"

Blitz "Lena ideals change over time who knows maybe in next 50 years in our world homosexuality would be allowed"

Lena scoffs "yeah right"

Blitz "but how do you know? We would probably be long melted down in scrapyard or in a museum maybe"

Lena never thought about that after all national socialism didn't start off popular but got popular over time

She quickly dismissed this thought

Lena "ack why do you care so much? Aren't you into men? Don't tell me your also a homosexual?"

Blitz "I'm not a homosexuality however I doubt any man would date me I smoke and I've often been called a bitch"

Lena "by who?"

Blitz "recently? Hilda mostly but other called me a bitch because of my smoking"

Lena "and also because of your.... you know"

Blitz "my missing eye? Yes?"

Lena "I'm sorry for what Hilda said"

Blitz "it's alright it isn't your fault I want to hear an apology from Hilda though"

Funk "what are you two talking about?"

Funk and 251 walked up to the two

Lena "about what happened earlier"

251 "oh that was bad I mean I know what Erika is.... Questionable but she's a Kamerad and Kameraden shouldn't fight"

Funk "ja we should focus on the bigger issues rather then this infighting"

Blitz "I agree but....what is the bigger issue?"

Funk "these terrorist that clearly need to be eradicated"

Lena "ja but terrorist shouldn't be our problem"

Blitz "and yet they are"

Lena "you guys don't want to fight them?"

Blitz "I don't know about you but me...I don't want to be dragged into another war"

251 "me too" she looked down with sadly

Lena "but of we don't stop these terrorist they might start a war"

251 "I know it's just.... I just.... I'm tired of killing people..."

Blitz "where did you fight?"

251 "why are you asking?"

Blitz "I just want to know"

251 "Stalingrad"

Lena "oh.... I'm sorry I...I understand"

Blitz "what happened at Stalingrad?"

Funk "it was awful it was the longest battle of the war and... From what I heard some of the most horrific shit happened there"

Blitz "like what?"

Lena "like....."

251 "cannibalism"

Blitz " are fucking normal?"

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