Chapter 2 panzer naming

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on the strange aircraft the German panzers and the alley tanks sat across from each other just looking at each other.

Glynda could see the that these two groups did not like each other when Ozpin told her that 8 people were in the forest she would have thought it would have been some stupid children but she saw that these kids. Something was different about these kids, they all were quite not asking questions not saying a word just staring at each other with their guns next to them.

Tiger"Bist du also ein Inzucht-Idiot?" she asked looking at the M4A3

( I'm using google translate so sorry if it's not right)

M4A3" what did you just say to me?" she asked a bit angry

Tiger" I said " so you are a inbred idiot?"" she said smiling

M4A3"  the fuck you say to me bitch?!" she said about to get up but M4 sat her back down

Tiger" of course the weak is holding you back" she said still giving a evil smile 

Panther"Stille, versuchst du im Flugzeug einen Kampf anzufangen?" she said looking at the tiger 

Tiger just looked annoyed crossed her arms and said " fein" she said looking down at the floor 

Glynda was a bit lost she had no idea what they were saying 

she then noticed that the tall girl with brunet hair was singing something quietly 

IS-2" Расцветали яблони и груши Поплыли туманы над рекой Выходила на берег Катюша На высокий берег на крутой Выходила на берег Катюша На высокий берег на крутой" she sung quietly  

Glynda could not understand what she was singing 

Glynda" what are your names?" she asked

Puma" names?" she asked

Glynda" yes your names what are they?" she asked a bit annoyed 

Panzer 4" Panzerkampfwagen 4" she answerd

Churchill" Churchill, crocodile" she said  

Tiger" Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. E" she said

M4A1" M4A3 Sherman" 

M4" M4A1 Sherman" 

Puma" Sd.Kfz. 234" she said 

IS-2" iosif stalin-2" she said

Panther" Panzerkampfwagen V Panther" 

Glynda" those don't sound like real names more like names gave to vehicles" she pointed out  

they all looked at each other

Glynda" so what are your real names?" she asked

Churchill" those are our real names Luv" she said 

Glynda was even more confused 

Glynda" we will get this sorted once we make it to Beacon" she said 


when they landed they saw this

when they landed they saw this

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