chapter 51 the question

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Reinhard "a welcome ladies and gentleman!" He said as several high ranking government and SS officials walked in

Reinhard "come on sit down take a seat!"

Reinhard was the perfect example of an Aryan he had blonde hair and blue eyes after all though since this was just Reinhard's car given human form it wasn't the real Reinhard Heydrich but he looked close he looked as if Reinhard was an 18 year old boy

All the officials sat down

Reinhard "welcome tonight we shall decide an important question today" he said as he relaxed into his chair

Reinhard "but first let us introduce ourselves! I'll go Last, you can go first" he said pointing to a girl next to him

Reinhard "but first let us introduce ourselves! I'll go Last, you can go first" he said pointing to a girl next to him

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"I'm Sturmbannführer Adele Adel"

Someone laughed at the name

She sighed in annoyance she should have came up with a different name for herself

Adele "anyways I am in charge of the office of labour acquirement" she said  before sitting in her chair

Next was a man with brown. hair put to one side. He was wearing glasses and was wearing a well pressed suit with a Nazi party pin on his suit. He had brown eyes and his face was a bit pointy

"I am Bernard Müller I am the head of the development and plans department" he said before he sat down

Next was another woman

"Standartenführer Adalie Becker head of the treatment and resources for workers department" she said before sitting down

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"Standartenführer Adalie Becker head of the treatment and resources for workers department" she said before sitting down

Next was another man with hazel eyes and a more brunette hair wearing a similar suit to Bernard but he was more chubby

"I am Heinz Richter head of health and genetics office" he said before sitting down

"I am Heinz Richter head of health and genetics office" he said before sitting down

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"I am Strumbannführer Andreas Keller of Human waste disposal management"

And finally another man in a suit with dark brown hair with brown eyes and has a thick neck

"I'm Christoph Schröder head of resource management"

Then Finally it came to Reinhard

Reinhard "I'm Reinhard Heydrich Reichsführer of the SS since we don't have a Himmler to lead us and I must say it is wonderful to have you all here" he said smiling

Reinhard "although last time I had a meeting like this there were more people"

Christoph "probably because there was more ground to cover when we had to take care of half of Europe" he pointed out

Reinhard "true now does everyone know what this meeting is about?"

Heinz "the faunus?"

Reinhard "correct the faunus we will be discussing what we should do with them"

Heinz "I think it's obvious we should get rid of them"

Reinhard "yes however a lot of our forces are faunus's"

Heinz "and why do we keep them?"

Adalie "because they are German soldiers and loyal ones to and many of them are apart of the SS"

Heinz "so expel them" he said annoyed

Andreas "because then We would be low on manpower and me and my men would be overworked"

Adele "and they are nothing like the filth I drag off the streets"

Reinhard "of course they will be kept alive but we should discuss weather or not we should let them procreate"

Bernard "perhaps not because these faunus seem to be source of many problems in this world"

Adalie "yes however these faunus aren't German so no wonder, perhaps something is wrong with their minds"

Heinz "maybe but should German faunus be allowed to procreate?" She asked

Christoph "I think so after all they are Germans"

Bernard "but it's wether or not the faunus gene should continue"

Andreas "should we perhaps have them and the rest of the faunus sterilized?"

Adele "what like neuter them? Like a house pet?" She said making a few people smile at the joke

Reinhard "no that would be a waste of time we should end them quickly and swiftly"

Christoph "then what bullets? That's too much resources"

Andreas "well we could make gas chambers for them maybe take the fumes made by the base's generator connect it too a room and suffocate them"

Christoph "but that would be even more resources!"

Andreas "yes however it would be much less bullets"

Christoph "but at this point we might as well shoot them!"

Adele "what if we take trucks? Use them"

Heinz "sadly everything here runs on dust and dust can't suffocate a person trust me I had one of those fucking Rodents in a room for hours and the worst that happened is when the fucker sneezed and nearly destroyed the room"

Adele "damn whatever happened to fossil fuels?"

Christoph "this world doesn't have any, no matter how far we searched the Japanese couldn't find any not even the Italians couldn't find any in the desert!"

Andreas "so we have no way too kill them without bullets"

Heinz "now hold on what if we make chlorine gas like in WW 1"

Adalie "yes but that will take time to produce and besides once the war starts a lot of our soldiers are going to be out fighting and a skeleton crew will be guarding the base and then their will be way more faunus then soldiers. We have to find a fast way to get rid of them"

Reinhard "then shoot them out them all in a room and shoot them" 

Christoph "but the-"

Reinhard "it doesn't matter we shoot them we get rid of the problem if it makes you happy again we can use the fire dust and make flamethrowers and burnt the bodies to make sure none of them survived" he said a bit aggressively

Adalie "sure we can develop them quickly"

Christoph "but-"

Bernard "Herr Reinhardt has decided and at my department we already have plans for a flamethrowers and we have the resources"

Reinhard "then it's decided once the operation starts we give them their reward for their hard work all in favor?" he said smiling again

Heinz "I fully agree we anything to get rid of them" he said

Everyone raised their hands followed by Christoph who reluctantly raised his

Reinhard "then it's decided"

(I thought of making this after I started watching Conspiracy it's a good movie check it out)

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