Chapter 12 a dark talk and a some pancakes

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the Library

Elizabeth" the Reich you served was evil you do know that?" she asked Erika

Erika" we were just doing what needed to be done to restore our nations glory" she said 

Elizabeth" do you have any idea what your nation did?" she asked

Erika" I know we took no prisoner's I know that might have been wrong but that's war" she said

Elizabeth" Katrina told me what her and her tank crew saw at the camps" she said

Erika confused " what camps?" she asked her crew never made mention of any 'camps'

Elizabeth" the concentration camps" she said

Erika" what nein we would not have those" she said " beside's your getting this info from communist they aren't trust worthy" she said 

Elizabeth" they found many starving people some were near death but most were killed " she said

Erika" your lying" she said angry

Elizabeth" I know this is difficult for you but you must accept the SS were not good they did some of the most horrible acts against humanity " she said

Erika" I know that we didn't like them but why would we do any thing like that" she said getting up 

but Elizabeth stopped her

Elizabeth" I'll ask you again do you believe in what your crew fought for?" she asked 

Erika" Ja we fought for our country" she said

Elizabeth" but what about the ideals of your tank crew did they believe in what your leader believed in? do you believe what they believed in?" she asked

Erika looked unsure " I-I...I don't know " she said with many conflicting thoughts was she right could her country have done what she said could she be lying? 

Erika" I-I need to go" she said walking away failing to notice a curious cat who had been eavesdropping

Blake walked up to Elizabeth with the books 

Blake" what was that about?" she asked

Elizabeth" it was personal don't try to pry your self into it" she said very sternly 

Blake was caught off by this from what she gathered Elizabeth had been calm and polite 

Blake" okay" she said

Elizabeth back to her calm and polite demeanor " oh I see you got the books lets take a look at them shall we?" she said   

Blake began to go over the books wondering what Elizabeth and Erika were talking about


Erika were was walking down the hallway she was thinking a million thoughts at once 

was Elizabeth lying or was Katrina lying? what if they were telling the truth? but that can't be right! why would her country do that?

these thought were going thru her head then she stepped into the weapons locker room and she sat on one of the benches. 

Erika" what if she's telling the truth?" she said aloud she did not know what to think

then after a while she made a decision she was going to the source of Elizabeth's information  


she was going to confront her

Meanwhile team JPNR dorm

Anna and Nora were waiting for Ren to finish his pancakes 

Anna" so I've seen you in class it's nice to talk to you" she said

Nora" thanks it's nice to talk to you too! hey have I ever told you about that time me and Ren fought a bunch of Ursa's?" she asked

Anna" nein! tell me!" she asked 

so Nora went on to tell the tale with Ren debunking some of what she said then Ren disclosed that it was a dream but that did not stop Anna from being impressed since she was kinda kid like.

Anna" that's so cool!" she said

Nora" I know right!" she said as Ren put the pancakes in front of the two girls 

Anna" Danke herr Ren" she said 

Ren" your welcome" he said as the two began to eat

Anna" Mein gott these are good pancakes" she said 

Nora" yep Ren makes the best pancakes!" she said while pouring maple syrup on her pancakes

soon the door opened to with Pyrrha and Jaune walk in 

Jaune" oh hey Ren your making Pancakes and who's this?" he asked

Anna" oh Hi mein name is Anna Tatra it's nice to meet you!" she said turning around and extending her hand 

Pyrrha" it's nice to meet you I'm Pyrrha Nikkos" she said politely

Jaune " hey my name Jaune, Jaune Arc " he said

Anna" it's nice to meet you Fraulein Nikkos and Herr Arc" she said happily 

the two did not know what Herr of Fraulein meant but they thought nothing of it 

Pyrrha " I belive we have a few class's together what team are you from?" she asked

Anna" team JAEE!" she said proudly 

Jaune"  oh your from that new team! along with that other team!" he saisd

Anna" yep!"

Pyrrha" so what are doing her with Nora?" she asked

Nora/Anna" Pancakes!" they both said 

Pyrrha chuckled" of course" she said finding how childish Nora and Anna are 

Anna resumed eating her pancakes with Pyrrha and Jaune joined them since Ren made extra pancakes 

Pyrrha" Anna were are you from?" she asked

Anna" Deutschland" she said while eating

Jaune" dunce land?" he asked

Anna" nein Deutschland it's the name of our home" she said    

Pyrrha" what was it like?" she asked

Anna" um from what I remembered we were really big on classical music, engineering, Philosophy and scenic beauty " she said happily 

Jaune" classical music? man you guys must enjoy the old stuff" he said 

Anna" old stuff? whats makes classical music old?" she said 

Jaune" well it's been around forever do you have any favorite modern music?" he asked

Anna" modern music? " she asked

Jaune" you know like rock or metal or rap or jazz" he said

Anna looked confused" I think I herd of Jazz before but what were the others? I have never herd of them before" she asked 

Jaune" have you've been living under a rock?" he asked 

Anna" Nein?" she said unsure 

Jaune" what 9 what do you mean 9? whats a number have to do with this?" he asked confused

Anna" oh sorry it's how I say 'no' back home" she said 

Jaune" so you haven't herd rock or metal?" he asked

she shook her head no

Jaune" hold on I will be back" he said as he went to go get something  

they all looked at each other

( whelp another chapter huh? hoped you enjoyed)

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