chapter 43 and the pieces are being set

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After the food fight the WW2 girls were walking around campus when suddenly what looked like large vessels landed on campus

Hilda "the fuck are those things?" She asked

Juliane "They look like a airship but different" she said and soon enough they saw a man walking away in a military uniform

Lena "wait dose this world actually have militarys?"

Erika "ja They do but only one country"

Funk "that's stupid what if they just decided to invade another nation?" She asked

Kübel "no one could stop them it would be like when we took Denmark"

Hilda "I'm sure resistance movements would happen they always do the fucking bastards" she said as they walked away


52 was stumbling around and she felt kinda hot and exhausted at the same time

Sani noticed this

Sani "okay what's wrong?" She asked

52 "nothing Doktor" she responded

Sani "first off I'm not a doctor I'm a medic second your lying"

Sani then grabbed her and began to drag her to her room


Sani "so how long has this been going on and don't lie otherwise I will charge you"

52 "but us Germans have free healthcare"

Sani "well we aren't in Germany anymore so no you don't unless I say you do"

52 "how much"

Sani "67,000 lien" she said

52 "fine it's been going on since we got here "

Sani "did you come in contact with anyone that seems sick or Ill?" She asked

52 "nein"

Sani "did you eat anything that might have caused this?" She asked

52 "I haven't been eating as much as I have been" she said

Sani "really why is that?"

52 "well I overheard some of the comments made about me"

Sani "okay so you decided to stop eating as much as you did?"

52 "ja"

Sani "and you have been having these issues since we got here which is when I remember the comments were made about you?"

52 "ja"

Sani "I think you're not eating enough"

52 "but I am though"

Sani "clearly not"

52 "but what about the Reichs standards and health?"

Sani "you're a train right? Trains require tons of coal ja? So maybe you require more food than the average person perhaps?" She asked

52 "maybe"

Sani "so as the team medic I suggest you go back to your old diet this is none negotiable" she said

52 "but-"

Sani "this is non negotiable if you deny my medical order I will force you to pay no questions asked this is none negotiable" she said really quickly

52 sighed "jawohl Frau Doktor"

Sani "again I'm not a Doktor I'm the medic now go were done here" she said


Elizabeth "so overall the music here is pretty bad" she said

Kay "yeah what happened to good old Music? Like in our world?" She asked

Katrina "da music here is too loud for my liking although this "hard bass" is good" she commented

Alisa "yes like we'll meet again"

Elizabeth "I'll be seeing you"

Kay "god bless america"

Katrina "Katyusha"

Then They bumbed into someone

Alisa "sorry sir"

Man "it's alright-" he said

POV change

Ironwood was leaving the school to go back to his ship when he bumped into a girl

Girl "sorry"

Ironwood "it's alright-" he said but stopped when he looked at the girls uniforms they were all military despite them not being  a part of any military or militia he knows of

Ironwood "you have nice outfits they look very military like" he said

Girl "thank you sir"

Ironwood "oh where are my manners I'm general Ironwood" he said which made 3 of the 4 girls tense up

It was brief but he could tell when he told them he was a general that they tensed in a way that soldiers usually do when seeing a superior officer

Alisa "anyways sir I'm Alisa this is Elizabeth, Kay and Katrina" she said pointing to each member of her team

Ironwood "of course nice to meet you have a good day" he said before walking away

Elizabeth "you too sir" she said as he walked away

Something was odd about these students

Ironwood "have a good day" he before walking off

He was going to ask Ozpin about these kids something about them was... interesting

Much later

What an odd kid dressing up like red riding hood

But everything was going according to plan she was in beacon with Cinder's team now that everything was in motion she could easily-

Kormoran "sorry" she said to the person she bumped into

"It's alright" she said but the accent was familiar

Kormoran turned around and saw a girl dressed in a whermacht uniform

Her mind was racing whermacht? Here? What were they doing? Trying to blow up all the secrecy?

"251" said another voice there were 3 other girls

One with cat ears she was probably a tiger in the past another much shorter one maybe a puma? And one other girls in wehrmacht uniforms

251 "oh Blitz what is it?" She asked

Blitz "Kübel wants  us too-" she said before noticing Kormoran

Kormoran "oh I'm Alba" she said

Blitz "oh you are one of those transfers right?" She asked

Kormoran "yes" she said trying her best to not speak in a German accent

Anna "well welcome to beacon" she said extending her hand

Kormoran shook it

Kormoran "and how long have you all been here?" She asked

Ella "we have been here since the near start of the semester" she explained

Kormoran "oh okay it's been nice seeing you good bye" she said walking away

251 "tschüss"

Kormoran walked away very confused she was going to have to call high command because of this a whole squad or perhaps more German soldiers were here and They weren't supposed to be could they be a rough unit? Or were they whermacht elements that had not joined up with the rest of the Army? She was going to find out and soon

(All plans are final when the Phoenix rises from its ashes it will burn everything around it)

(Danke Friedrich1914 für deine Hilfe)

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