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It was a normal day in the precinct when a young girl walked in. 

She walked up to Sargent Jeffords desk, as it was the closest desk to her. "I would like to report a crime," she said formally "Detective Peralta will assist you" He smiled gesturing to Jake's desk. 

She made her way to his desk "have a seat" Jake said, she complied "what's your name?" he asked "Vanessa Cozner" she sighed "Cozner? as in Kevin Cozner?" Jake said confused "no, as in Martin Cozner. Kevin is my uncle," she said leaning back in her chair "you're the captain's niece?" he smiled "uncle Raymond is here?" she asked leaning forward "you didn't know he worked here?" Jake laughed "are you laughing at your captain's niece?" she said threateningly "god you are exactly like Kevin aren't you" he sighed "I'm going to my uncle's office "hi gina," she said walking past gina's desk. "how do you know her?!?" Jake asked "she's Kev's niece" Gina shrugged.

Vanessa knocked twice and then opened the door. "uncle Raymond" she said sitting in one of his chairs "Vanessa, nice to see you" he greeted "I am here to report a crime" she sighed "what happened?" holt asked "some guy took my backpack" she groaned "were you hurt?" he asked leaning forward "no, and I know who did it" she smiled "who?" he asked, interested "a kid at my school" she shrugged "a high school student?" he asked "one of my bullies" she mumbled, "does your father know?" he asked "no, but the kid's name is George matches" she smiled standing up "alright thank you, I will have Kevin pick you up" holt smiled shaking Vanessa's hand "thank you" she smiled back. 

she walked back over to Jake's desk "thank you for helping me" she smiled "your welcome, robot junior" he smiled "I heard you talking" he laughed "the kids at my school call me the same thing but they mean it as an insult because my brain works differently than theirs" she smiled "oh... sorry" jake winced  "are you autistic?" Jake asked "no, I have ADHD, and right now one of my hyper fixations is my uncle's! I want to be just like them!" she smiled "cool" he smiled back "I also like batman!" she smiled "but I don't want to bother you so I'm going to go wait for my uncle over there" she smiled walking away "wait did you report your crime?" Peralta asked "yes. I already knew who he was anyway." she shrugged "okay" he smiled.

he felt kinda bad for her, she gets bullied and clearly has something going on. he later found out she gets bullied so bad her bullies bother her on weekends too.

once Kevin picked her up the day went back to normal.

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