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sad jake, if you don't like it skip ig

Jake was not actually as happy and lighthearted as he pretended to be. he had severe anxiety.

It started when he was in high school, his dad had come back for a few months. during those few months, Jake's grades slipped, and his dad made a point of telling him how disappointed he was. It did a number on Jake's self-esteem. He failed a math test once and was so scared of what his dad would think, he locked himself in a janitor's closet. panic attack after panic attack.

he has them at work sometimes.

he really likes Amy but she is with Teddy. sometimes when Teddy walks past Jake he 'accidentally' bumps into him, whispering rude things during the collision. 



"she'll never love you back"


then he pulled away saying things like "sorry man" or "my bad" with a stupid grin on his face. Jake would have no choice but to say "it's fine" or "no worries".

Jake hated Teddy, and he wasn't too good at hiding it.

"hey, Jake!" Amy said happily "hi, Amy" he smiled back "Teddy and I had the most fun last night!" she beamed dropping her bag on the floor next to her desk. Jake had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. when he didn't answer with something condescending or immature she furrowed her brows, "what's wrong?" she asked "nothing" he said, not looking away from his computer "I've known you for long enough to know when something is wrong" she smiled sympathetically "I said it's nothing" he said coldly, standing up and walking out.

Amy was confused. he has never acted that way toward her. did she say something?

Jake stormed off to a supply closet, small, dark, and far away from everyone.

stupid Teddy. he was bad for Amy. all the things he said to Jake, all those terrible things he said went straight to his head.

all the things Teddy said swam around in his mind.

he wasn't enough. he will never be enough.

then Amy opened the door, just as his thoughts started to suffocate him.

Amy looked down at her friend. he looked so small with his legs pulled up against his chest and his face buried in his knees. he was shaking and she could hear his shakey breath.

"Jake?" she asked, kneeling down. she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Jake, what happened?" she asked softly "you were talking about Teddy and- I just can't listen to you talk about how great he is when that's not how he really is" he rambles sadly "what do you mean?" she asked scooching closer to him "Teddy, he acts a lot different when you aren't around, h-he says all these mean things- I know you really like him but the things he says really hurt" he does his best to keep the tears from spilling.

then the realization hits Amy like a truck. almost every time she passes Jake while walking with Teddy or every time Teddy passes Jake on his own, Teddy bumps into Jake, and Jake's face gets a little pale every time.

"Jake, what did Teddy say to you?" she asked as Jake stood up, regaining his composure. "it doesn't matter," he said shaking his head, preparing himself to go back into the bullpen "no, Jake, it does. it matters to me. it matters how my boyfriend treats my friends and it matters to me if he lies to me about how he treats my friends"

Jake was so glad he had a friend like Amy. 

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