Meet Cute From Hell

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"Are you sure this is a good idea, Y/n?"

I looked up with an annoyed look at my best friend, Pete, who was staring concerningly at the pentagram drawn in the middle of my bedroom.

"Dude, I'm getting myself a boyfriend! Of fucking course, this is a good idea!"

Yeah, I sound incredibly desperate, I know. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, even if it entails summoning an agent of Hades to be my boyfriend. With every person that rejects me, the more I learn about the agents of Greek gods. These agents act as a divine servant for each god, but they act upon their own will. I've tried to summon an agent of Aphrodite and they're all apparently being used for other people's....pleasures. At this point, I've been summoning every agent from the Pantheon but I haven't tried an agent from Tartarus itself.

Pete, on the other hand, was completely against this. Which was understandable, I might accidentally summon a monster from hell. I know I shouldn't be mad at him, he's only looking out for me. We've always been protective of one another and today wasn't new. 

"Promise you won't die on me? I really can't handle your funeral," Pete urged.

"Of course, man. I'll be very careful." I promised.

I have done this before, I'm experienced. I tried to give Pete the bravest smile I could put on. I was a bit worried for what I was going to see. Whoever appears to me, I hope they're sexy as fuck.

We sat down on the border of the pentagram. I took a large book from my bed and placed it in my lap. I flipped through the pages until I reached the Hades page. There I read a half translated guide to summoning an agent of Hades. It wasn't too hard to comprehend, but of the pages followed a similar pattern.

"You sure you wanna be here for this?" I asked, turning my head to Pete who was attempting to read the book. "I know you're worried for me, but this is dangerous."

"Danger is my middle name! Now quit stalling. I thought you were tryna summon your future partner!" Pete exclaimed with the widest grin on his face. His presence made my soul feel a bit brighter.

The hour of reckoning arrived. I took a deep breath and started to slowly chant the words from the book. Forcibly learning Latin from these experiences was a good thing, I didn't mind learning a new language while fearing for my life.

The pentagram glowed with a blood red, the whole room started to shake violently. I was stammering over my words while I was trying to hold my balance. Pete was holding onto me, shrieking and cursing in a shrill voice. 

"Y/n! Y/n, you gotta stop! Please, oh god! Maybe you could use Tindr?! This isn't worth it!" He screamed, squeezing my arm tightly. 

No, it was worth it. Every last minute of it. The spell was working, slowly but surely. There was a large hole in the pentagram, the tortured screams of Tartarus echoed with an ear-splitting screech in the room. I wanted to stop speaking- why couldn't stop speaking? This spell held me into its sickening bind and there was no way out. 

Then there was the flap of.....wings? My heart leaped into my throat and Pete screamed louder. You know, that's probably not a hot demon and probably something that's going to kill us

The flaps of the wings became louder and louder. As I reached the last line, a figure zoomed up from the hole. My words were cut off and the large gap had closed off. The figure fluttered down in front of us. 

"Y/n? H-He's so...."


"Yeah, that word."

We carefully got up and made some space between ourselves and the demon. Pete stood in front of me in a defensive position. The demon simply laughed, eyeing us with a playful curiosity. I pushed myself into the demon's view to get a good look at him. He was obviously taller than me but shorter than Pete, so if there was ever a fight I would know who had a leverage in height. A snide smirk caressed his chiseled jawline and his dark red eyes sparkled with mischief. From his white hair, protrudes sharp, curled horns. He wore a fully black suit, gloves of the same color rested gently on his nimble hands. High heeled boots trampled over the pentagram I worked so hard to draw. He looked me up and down, laughing again and flapped his raven wings 

"So this is the mortal who decided to summon me? A mousey little girl and her cowardice companion?" A deep, course British accent escaped the demon's lips. "Correction. A cute, mousey little girl and her cowardice companion."

"C-Cowardice?! Screw you, dickhead!" Pete hissed.

"Don't insult my friend like that, asshole, I'm the one who summoned you! And did you just call me cute?" I quickly intervened. 

The demon pushed Pete out of the way and boldly stepped towards me. I squeaked and stepped back, staring at my human friend with worry.

"I know what you summoned me for, cutie. You wanted a boyfriend, hmm? I was called for that purpose, so your wish is my command, darling." He whispered in my ear.

That was....easy. Clearly this demon was interested in me as soon as he laid his eyes on me. Maybe he wanted a mortal to break. If that's the case, he can break me any day.

"My name is Danny, agent of Hades, the god of Death. And what is your name, darling?"

"Y/n. M-My name is Y/n. And my so-called 'cowardice companion' is my best friend, Pete."

Pete waved with a nervous smile on his face. Nobody needed to tell me he was shitting himself.  Danny's expression seemed to soften and he waved back, which was an indicator that he probably liked the golden retriever as well.

"Darling, how about we talk this somewhere else. I know your little friend here is being awfully protective of you but we need some.....alone time, you know?"

"Wait, hold on a sec-"

"Pete, I'll be okay. I'm not dead, see? I promised you."

My older friend sighed and fanned us out of the room. Danny joyfully took my hand and led me out. His wing wrapped around my shoulder in a protective manner, it made me blush a little. For a demon, I was expecting him to be more hostile but this was the exact opposite. And honestly? I'm quite relieved by this. He seems to be nice enough, and I like him a lot too.

The demon hummed lovingly, that snide smirk playing on his lips. He's somewhat of a wild card, I realized. I wonder what he does in the fire pit below. Whatever it was, it had to be attractive.

"How about we have dinner, hm? I know you mortals like tasting the small delicacies."

"Oh, well, sure! There's a coffee shop down the road, we can go there!"

Was this a date? No way- I just summoned this guy. I have a feeling that Danny wouldn't mind this being our actual first date if I said it out loud. Just by his body language I could tell how he was feeling, the fucker was doing that on purpose. It was....kinda hot. 

He's really hot, I noticed.

(A/N: Can I get a F in chat for Pete because I did him soooooo dirty 💀)

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