Lightning and Thunder

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It's been a few weeks since I summoned Danny. Our relationship has grown into something beautiful, and the desperation that has been festering in my chest has disappeared. I can't help being madly in love, and that demon fuels my madness.

I wanted to go outside today but the weather has been awful recently. I don't mind, honestly, but it's getting to me now. I feel the annoyance from Danny too, I always find him staring darkly at the thunder that growls in the sky. I noticed he has a worried look on his face, I never understood why. I don't want to pry anyways. I sum it up as this: demons hate water. That's an understandable explanation, right? Fire and water were not a good mixture.

Today, I found Danny staring out the window again. His blood-coloured eyes focused on the rain. Pete raised an eyebrow at me, all I could do was shrug in response.

"You should see if he's okay or not. This is getting concerning, in my opinion." Pete urged.

I nodded and made my way over to my darling. He was propped up on the couch in a kneeling position. I wrapped my hands around his waist and buried my face in his back. Danny purred in response to my presence and I sighed out of relief. I gave Pete a thumbs-up, showing that Danny was fine.

"Hey, darling." I whispered. "You okay?"

"This fucking weather is absolutely reprehensible. I fucking hate it!" Danny hissed.

"Mhm, the rain sucks. It's pouring heavier than I'm used to." I stated.

"No, I adore the rain. It's the thunder and lightning. That's what I bloody hate." He corrected.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I nuzzled his back to continue.

"That shit's scary, I know. I've been terrified of lightning since I was a kid." I agreed.

Danny chuckled, his head slightly turned to look at me. That snide smirk I have grown used to tugged his lips.

"You? Scared of lightning? The mighty Y/n?" He teased.

"Oh, shut the fuck up, man!" I yelled.

We giggled. I feel Danny's body to relax and melt into my arms. I squealed and my grip around my waist tightened.

"How about we go to my bedroom?" I suggested.

"Ooooo~! Darling~." Danny cooed lustfully.

"I wanna cuddle, darling! Sorry!" I laughed.

"Wow, you suck." The demon scoffed playfully.

I released my grip and took Danny by the hand. Once we reached the start of the staircase, Pete popped his head out of the living room.

"Please don't be loud like last night. I already have a shit sleeping schedule!" He begged.

My wide eyes shifted to match Danny's equally wide eyes. Were we that loud? I know we've gotten noise complaints from Pete before, but for those times, we were barely making any noise. The demon patted his friend's shoulder with joking sympathy. Pete simply stared at the hand, then stared at Danny and mouthed a 'please'. 

"Relax, we're not doing any of that. Sorry for the noise last night." 

Pete sighed of relief and I had to break out into a laugh. I feel bad for my best friend, I need to give him a gift to sticking through my bullshit and being so patient with me. He's one of our biggest cheerleaders, so giving him a good night's rest had to be the best thing we can give him.

Afterwards, we went upstairs and into my bedroom. Danny spreads his wings and fluttered onto the bed. His raven wings flapped, begging me to be wrapped in its feathers. Of course, I obliged. Very soon I was entangled in the embrace of Danny and his soft feathers. He purred gently, stroking my hair with the utmost care. 

The lightning had calmed down, thankfully, but the thunder hadn't. Danny growled at the bellowing in the sky, like he was telling the thunder to shut up. 

"I can tell you despise thunder," I said.

"It reminds me of a certain friend of mine. He's annoying, just like the thunder." The demon huffed.

I hummed in understanding. Personally, I prefer thunder over lightning but I didn't want upset him any further. 

"Zeus is the god of thunder, yeah? And didn't Hades, like, hate Zeus at some point?" I asked.

Danny did not reply. So with being met with silence, I listened to the rolling thunder go on and on.

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