POV: U Flirted w/ Me While My BF Was Away

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"I'm sorry, you did what?"

"I cooked for you!"

Arny was running back and forth from the kitchen to outside. He was trying to talk with me while he was cooking. It was silly, seeing the shorter almost trip and fall. Sometimes I had to remember that he's the agent of Zeus, and not just a little gremlin. It's cute though, he reminds me of Danny.

I wished my darling could try out whatever his best friend was making but Pete decided to drag him out to get his nails done so he could feel "bonita", whatever that meant. As long as they're having fun, I'm not too worried about them. For now, I have to make sure that Arny doesn't burn down my house.

"Oi, thunder boy! Any progress? You're taking a bit long!" I called out as I sat by the edge of the pool and dipped my feet in.

A flash a light smeared my vision. Arny stood in front of me, panting.

"Holy shit, you are an impatient one, aren't you?" Arny cooed. "I like that, my love. It makes you a lot cuter."


The thunder child smiled (a very shit-eating smile, for your information). I squeaked, hiding my blushing. Only Danny could do that!

"I-Isn't there something on the stove?" I choked out. "You should tend to that instead of flirting with me!"

"Awww, my love! You're no fun!" The shorter whined. He disappeared in a flash of lightning soon after.

I sighed, gently kicking my feet in the water. I hate when he gets away with flirting, even if it's for fun. He had done that often, especially when Danny was not around. I was afraid to ask, just in case I accidentally instigate something. Whatever those two got going on, I don't want it to become worse. 

I disliked the fact that was the issue that fills my head every day. I want to see my boyfriend and my friends happy. It didn't matter if they're gods or mortals, I just wanted good morale. 

I sighed again, allowing the wind to be my comfort. The smell of meat resonated in my nose. Life has been so busy, I've forgotten to take in the nature. It's hard though, since your mind goes all over the place- from your incredulous love life to your hair-tearing job to....so many things. These moments are the only moments where the world is kind to you, where nature will cherish you in her bosom. It's a feeling that you won't get often, you have to learn not to take it for granted, because once you do, that feeling may never return. And it will be back to your season of chaotic, stressful infamy.

My train of thought was deterred by the sound of footsteps approaching. I looked up to see Arny, grinning from ear to ear.

"Was pool day fun? Or were you simply staring out into space?"

"Shut the fuck up and feed me, Gordon Ramsey."

"Jeez, rude? Be nicer than that, my love. I don't like brats, y'know."

"Just because Zeus is your boss, doesn't mean that I have to give you respect. But you're my friend, so fine. I'll be nicer."

"Aw, good girl."

"Only Danny gets to say that to me, fuck off."

"Okay- sorry!"

Arny helped me up from my spot and we went inside. There, he sat me down the dining room and I had to wait a bit. I didn't like the fact that I had to wait again, but I decided against complaining. To be honest, I was a bit excited. All those odd smells and flirting had be worth it in the end.

Soon the thunder child arrived with a plate, my heart kept with joy. Once he placed it on the table, I was horrified.

Plastered on the plate was a small piece of steak....smeared with chocolate

Slowly, my head turned up to face Arny. He was beaming like the sun. 

"Dude," I began. "What the hell is this?"

"Chocolate covered steak, silly goose! I heard it gets mortals in the mood, if you get what I mean~." Arny chirped.

"Yeah, in the mood for diseases! I was going to cook this for the weekend! What the fuck, man?!"

"So, you don't want it?"

"Uh, no? Ya like chocolate though?"

"'Course, I do!"

"Eat up then."

He raised his eyebrows before chuckling. I squinted at him. What was his game?

I quickly figured that out once his fingers caressed my chin then pulled my face closer to his. Soon, we made intense eye contact. Thunder clamored in the sky, causing me to jump. My breath stuttered but he placed his index finger on my lip. More thunder thrash throughout the clouds.

"I know that the steak wasn't....the greatest, my love. I apologize."

I removed his finger from my lips, backing away. Suddenly, I understood.

"You're trying to take me away. Away from Danny!"

"Mmm, bingo."

"That's fucked up, you know that?!"

Arny huffed, pushing his fingers through his curly hair. His face showed no remorse. None.

"Gods have always been the jealous types, Kore. There's a reason why Danny didn't want me around. But he allowed me to stay here, honestly I wished I knew why."

"I love him, Arny. You can't...do this! T-This has to be misunderstanding, please!"

Silence. Deafening silence.

"You're not hungry anymore, Kore?"

Before the words could leave my mouth, he swooped up the plate and disappeared within the thunder. It caused the house to shake.

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