POV: I'm On A Cafe Date w/ U

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Was this a date? This felt like a date. Do you go on a date with someone you just summoned from Hell? Date or not, it was nice to see Danny enjoying himself. He was happily chowing down on the muffins and donuts, though he almost burnt his tongue on the coffee. 

I adored listening to the demon ramble on and on about his precious home, even though some bits were quite disturbing. Tartarus was only a myth told by my parents, but to have evidence of the Underworld right in front of me? It was a surreal experience. 

"Darling," Danny beckoned. "Are you sure that you want to hear more? I don't want to give you nightmares."

I smiled gently. I did not expect him to be so soft, he was terrifying and menacing at first. You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I guess.

"Nightmares? No, no, I'll be fine. I don't have nightmares often. Well, not anymore." I reassured him.

Danny was not convinced. He raised his eyebrows then placed my hands in his. My cheeks flushed and I had to try my best to remain eye contact with him. Once again, he has flustered me. Son of a bitch.

"There's no need to lie to me, darling. It's okay. When the eventuality arrives, I will be there to comfort you." The demon purred gently.

This man has successfully rendered me speechless. He can't be getting away with this every single time! 

Danny laughed and kissed my hand with his soft lips. I squeaked and covered my mouth to suppress a scream. I gave my darling a hard but loving glare, and his red eyes tried to plead for innocence. He's adorable, so I couldn't stay mad at him for long.

"You should be lucky that you're sweetest fucking guy on this planet. I think my nightmares will stay away as long as you're around." I giggled, then planted a kiss on Danny's hands. The demon gasped in faux offence and drew back his hands.

"Heh? Wait, no-!"

I whined and attempted to drag his hands back into my possession, but Danny was not having it.

"Dannyyyyyyy!" I whined. "Handsssss!"

"Shhhh! Remember that we're not the only ones in here!" He whispered laughingly.

He pointed towards the patrons staring at us with raised eyebrows. My eyes widened and embarrassment flashed across my face. I chuckled awkwardly and quietly begged for Danny's hands. He rolled his eyes affectionately and placed his hands on the table. My eyes lit up and I played around with his nimble fingers. 

"Adorable," Danny mumbled. 

I looked up at him and smiled. His cheeks were tinted red and returned the smile.

"You are very loud, you know that?" I teased. 

"I am very civilized and not loud, thank you very much." Danny rebutted.

"Uh-huh, and Hades is not a tyrant." I snapped back.

"You are such a brat, darling. I love that about you." He sighed lovingly.

I squealed into my hands and crossed my legs. I hissed at the demon to quit flustering me. I was told that demons were not the flirting types, but this was obviously a different case. And I don't mind, really. I like getting flustered. He manages to steal my voice away with a single sentence. How does he do it? Was he simply a natural? Or did he have a partner centuries ago? Either way, he's so-

"Darling, I think it's time to go home now." Danny's voice cuts through my train of thought.

"Huh? Why? Something wrong, darling?" I asked, slightly tilting my head.

"Personally, I am not fond of staying around other mortals other than you and Pete for long." He responded.

"Really? You only just got here though?" I probed him further.

"This isn't my first time out in the mortal world, dear. This is a scary place that I do not want to indulge in for long." Danny explained.

"Honestly? That's relatable. I've embarrassed myself already so let's get the hell outta here!" I replied.

I called the waiter and apologized for my outburst before. I paid the bill and left the waiter a little tip.

We left the cafe with our hands entangled within each other. The sun was warm, but I was almost blinded by staring at its glorious greatness. Danny was basically bathing in the sunlight. His skin radiated like an angel in holy light- well, a demon in raging hellfire to be accurate.

I felt closer to him, I realized. Even though we met merely hours ago, it feels like we've been dating for millennia.

Life's A Treat In Deviltown (Demon!Dannyphantomexe x Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now