A missing hedgehog

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Like usual shadow was spending his precious day in an office bored out of his mind, but not showing it since he had already grown tired of his coworker rouges complaining since they arrived at GUN

Sometimes he wonders how the bat even gets anything done when all she does is complain but it doesn't matter to shadow anymore, because now he was finished with his work now freely being able to leave that hellish office.

Shadow stood heading out of the building without a sound as if he was never there to begin with, but if only it were that way "hey shadow whats the rush nearly left me behind there~" the flirtatious bat said shadow just grunted in response not even sparing a glance to rouge, he just wanted to go home and be by himself since he had the day off tomorrow it was a holiday he didn't care which one but holidays always meant no work so it worked out for him.

"Cmon shadow dont be like that" rouge said "i dont have time for this bat" shadow spat, venom lacing his voice as a warning to rouge he wasn't in the mood but rouge was used to the cold behavior "whatever Mr. Grumpy pants" shadow growled, the one time sonic called him that in front of everyone it became a common name by now especially from the bat since it was "funny" she said "hey hun have you seen blue round lately?" Rouge asked her voice no longer as flirty than before which was strange "why should i know where that hedgehog is, I'm not his babysitter" shadow said.

"Yeah i know., just tell me if you see him around anywhere ok?" Rouge said anxiously which was strange, rouge earned a curious look from the dark hedgehog "no one has seen blue for a couple of days at least thats what i heard, tails is worried he asked everyone to help find sonic but no luck" rouge said "anyway i should go dont want to ruin your day off" is all rouge said before flying off 

Why would everyone be so worried about that fake being gone just a few days because of things like this is why sonic would want to be away from his annoying clingy friends and for that shadow doesn't blame him he'd do the same 'it's not like he's dead' shadow thought for once bringing attention to his surroundings 'god damn it' shadow thought he was at the same spot he goes to meet with sonic whenever he feels like blowing off some steam, Sonic couldn't help but come this way since it was one of his favorite places to run through sometimes shadow would even find sonic waiting by a tree for him calling him slow, shadow found himself waiting by that same tree but what was the point what is he waiting for anyway this was stupid.

Shadow growled and turned to walk away, swearing he heard a rustling sound from afar he dismissed it but never let his guard down while he walked home

Shadow stepped into his GUN provided house making sure to lock the door behind him and with that he went to his couch sitting down and turning on the TV and the first thing that came on was the news gloating over Mobius hero as if he wasn't missing and for some reason that shadow didn't know pissed him off.

Even though the sun was just setting shadow called it a day tired of this so "eventful"day.

Hopefully everything will blow over on his day off

Anyways count down chaps until valentines day i really hope you enjoy bc ik i did see ya tmr 👋🚶

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