No normal death

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Rouge opened the door and led shadow in the house seemed empty and quiet "they're all in the garage" rouge said bringing shadow to the back there stood a single plain white door

Once the door was opened shadow noticed everyone turn their heads to look their way then back to what they were doing tails was clicking away on a computer pulling up files on a person shadow had never seen before, knuckles was looking over tails chair talking about something omega came over and showed something to rouge making her bring her attention to that

Shadow went over to tails and knuckles who both brought their attention to him "we figured out that sonic didn't die by natural causes he was murdered" tails said motioning to knuckles who grabbed an x-ray of a skeleton who's bones were completely messed up "that paper you are holding is an x-ray of sonics skeleton that omega managed to steal from the hospital sonic was sent to" tails said "at first we thought sonic had accidentally been hit by a truck and the driver was worried about anyone finding out so they attempted a hit and run but it's more than that!"

Tails said scooting his chair aside so shadow could see the screen more easily, two tabs were open but they both had info on two specific people 'Byron M. Hardy and Vernell Blanchard' both people looked around 40 or maybe 50.

Byron didn't seem to have any dirt on him he's even won a great citizen award and Vernell didn't seem like much either shadow glanced back at tails "why them? they're records dont even say that they've even run a red light" shadow remarked "well thats what you think but look at this" tails said bringing photos on the screen"as you can see Mr. Hardy and Ms. Blanchard are a part of the biggest drug dealing chain in möbius "ok but what does this have to do with sonic" shadow said somewhat losing his patience "Ms. Hardy was the one that hit sonic her truck, i have the footage from a nearby camera that caught everything" tails said sliding a video onto the screen clicking play with his mouse.

'Vernell was just driving down an empty road to were shadow guessed was her next deal, the camera switched and now sonic was in the picture he was holding a bag with take out inside while in the other hand he held something he could never drop wich was of course a chili dog sonic took a bite out of it then a little green flicky flew over trying to eat it there was a close up in the video letting the watchers see sonic more clearly sonic had a smile stretched along his peach muzzle he gave the flicky a piece of the bread' shadows chest tightened 'sonic started walking closer to the road but the flicky persisted sonic being the hero he wad gave up the chili dog which the flicky was happy to take

Then out of nowhere Vernell had driven off the road the flicky flew away in a hurry, sonic was confused why and looked around until it came crashing in his face. literally.

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