Crocodile tears

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"This is outrageous, how dare you come into my home and suspect me of murder? I should report you!" Vernell was furious guess that little great person act didn't last long "Mrs Blanchard please calm down we aren't exactly saying you did we just have evidence to say that you did, but if you just answer the questions we might think otherwise" tails said

Shadow looked awfully bored at the scene just to the point were he would glance around the house just a little bit and what he came to notice was how many pictures she had they were nothing special except they had an exceptional amount of pictures with another woman that looked very alike to the suspect shadow guessed that was her sister shadow made his way to the kitchen without being noticed and he guessed right, since there was a photo on the fridge with both of the people's signatures that let him figure out that Vernells sisters name was Catherine.

Shadow pinched his nose it was that same smell again what was up with it

Shadow sniffed around trying to figure out what that stench was coming from shadow looked in the trash and his question was answered it was a ton of onions

Why was there a ton of onions you ask? We don't know.

A letter stuck out from the bottom shadow swallowed his dignity and reached in shoving the onions and trash out the way getting to the letter, still covered in the liquids of the smelly vegetable shadow stared at his now soiled gloves that were once a perfect white he sighed as he read the note

Vernell this is Cath i just wanted to know when you're gonna pay your god damn phone bill so i could call you... anyway just come over and tell me when the game starts you can leave your truck here I'll do all the work so don't bother.

      p.s. pay your phone bill

Shadow stared at the letter it was pretty useless but at least now he knows where the truck is, seems like the sisters are working together

Shadow folded the note and stuck it in his quills "I'm sorry but i have to ask you all to leave" Vernell said 'guess the questioning is over' shadow thought "ok then let's go everyone" the voice that sounded like tails said "where's shadow?" Rouge asked "maybe he's already waiting outside?" Omega suggested their voice was easy to decipher for shadow who chaos controlled outside waiting as if he had been there the whole time he wished he had been able to look around more but he had other places to visit.

Everyone came outside after a while and they all headed home calling it a day after they visited Mr. Hardy the second suspect who wasn't home

The whole time shadow was around sonics former friends he felt odd he could rub off this feeling he half expected when he would get to sonics house all his friends would still be mourning over his death i mean like his dead body was found not even that long ago

Shadow silently walked home alone he could easily chaos control home but he had something on his mind what was up with sonics friends especially rouge she came bawling her eyes out at shadows house but once they left she was magically fine which doesn't sit right with shadow, before he knew it his rocket shoes switched on and he was running and turned a whole different direction from his home he was running he didn't know where but he was, he just felt like running.

Shadow skidded stopping in his tracks the lushest green vegetation that covered the ground and the rolling hills that were unmistakable to shadow the place his legs brought him was obviously green hill and also the same place were hero was said to be buried, now why would he come here? Shadow didn't know the answer to that question either therefore he turned to walk away but his legs didn't move as if he were paralyzed

Shadow sighed if he came here off impulse then it must be important shadow turned back around and started looking for the grave

Shadow wandered, wandered and wandered but still no grave to be found, strange he knows this is the exact same place rouge said sonic was buried did she lie? Why would she lie about something like this 'nothing makes sense' shadow growled running into the forest throwing his arm back and swinging at a tree sending it down to the ground in seconds.

All sorts of birds fled from the forest in a hurry shadow angrily sat down on the tree he knocked over and covered his face in his hands 'what the hell am i even doing' shadow thought his eyes started to burn as he took a deep breath in shadow furrowed his brows moving his hands away from his face revealing tears in the corners of his eyes threatening to fall he sniffed his glove, he forget about the onions and now he was crying 'just great-' shadow sniffed his gloves once more making a tear fall out of his eye he looked at himself in the reflection of his wrist communicator his eyes were red just like how rouges was now that he thinks about it the others eyes were too.

No grave, the onions, the note, a game,

fake tears.

Fake footage.

Fake death.

Shadow stood in realization he grind his teeth his eyes flashed a dangerous red

Shadows eyes shot toward the sound of something rustling in the dark shadow stared for a minute until he summoned a chaos spear whatever was it was started backing away and shadow could tell it was trying to get away but shadow wasn't in the mood for mercy  shadow threw the spear they dodged it but they're movement was slowed shadows rocket shoes blazed burning the ground below

And before they knew it in a blink of an eye the sneaking Mobian was tackled to the ground getting a mouth full of dirt shadow nearly even dislocated their arm in the mix "ow ow ok ok you got me now can you get off!" Shadow growled flipping the Mobian over to see his face "i knew it! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Shadow said holding sonic down by the shoulders "cmon shad don't be like that-" shadow cut him off "don't shads, me you got everyone to fake your death and for what?!"

Sonic flinched at his dark counterparts outburst "sorry maybe i went a little too far it was just a little game-" shadow held up his fist and sonic instinctively shut his eyes tight ready to be hit but  it never came instead the ground next to him suffered a sweat drop fell from the side of sonics head as he looked at the damage then back up at shadow who stared right back at him not knowing what to do now

Shadow sighed and rolled onto the grass laying next to sonic shadow shut his eyes "shadow?" "Hm?" "Are we good now?" Sonic asked laying on his side facing the ebony "no" "oh i guess I deserve that" sonic said laughing nervously, it fell silent again "shadow" sonic continued shadow opened his eyes "what." Shadow said "why are you here anyway" shadow shrugged "oh cmon you have to of came here for a reason" sonic said "there is no reason, i just happened to wander here" shadow said simply crossing his arms "let me guess you came here to see my grave didn't you!" Sonic said "well sorry to break it to you but we didn't exactly expect you to come visit"

"I could tell" shadow said and once more it fell silent sonic watched how shadow looked fixated at the now starry sky

Sonic put his chin on shadows shoulder, shadow became tense sonic shut his eyes his steady breath brushing agains shadows cheek calming shadow who turned his head facing sonic the tips of their noses touched one another sonic opened his eyes to meet with a yearning ruby red gaze

Shadow locked lips with the azure hedgehog, of course it came as a surprise to both Mobians but neither pulled away shadow put his hand against the other's cheek and sonic put his above shadows hand, hearts beating faster than they could ever run, shadow wondered what was up with him today his body is just doing whatever it wants at this point though shadow always listens to his gut.

After what felt years they separated the moister from the other glazing their lips

It didn't take long before sonic put on a stupid dumbfounded look on his face, shadow out of no where shot up and started walking away surprising sonic who stood too "shadow whats up?" Sonic said yet shadow didn't turn around he just crossed his arms "oh cmon shads whats wrong now" sonic asked walking over to shadow only seeing half of his face before shadow turned away

Sonic blinked in confusion once he saw the awfully red color on shadows muzzle sonic broke out into laughter holding his stomach shadow snapped his head back glaring at sonic revealing the reason for sonics humerus outbreak, shadow grabbed sonics shoulder threateningly "I'm sorry I'm sorry its just too funny" shadow stomped away angrily "no shadow Im sorry I'll stop" sonic laughed in fact he wouldn't stop "no cmon shads at least give me a goodbye kiss" sonic snickered chasing after shadow "no!" Shadow said running away at full speed.


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