The Pathetic Heir - Satan

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The crown will burn before me.
It's inevitable.

I don't want to be king, why did father abandon us and leave me with these responsibilities? Diablo would be a better heir.
I shook my head and stared harshly at the 14 foot tall windows, checking for smudges. The large windows were placed in the center of my bedroom's east wall and looked down on the city, Bohatí Králové.
        The city of "Rich Kings".  My city.
I felt a rumble from inside my stomach,
I could really go for some cheese and crackers right now.

A loud blare rung through my ears.
What is that?
My throat began to feel dry.
The terrifying sound cut through the air again, making my head pulse.
What's going on?
I had no guards in my room nor on the story, I begin to panic.

         I assured myself it was probably just apart of some ritual until I heard a yell.
A flash of orange appeared outside my window, it took me a moment to realize it was a demon. Then they were dragged down by what seemed as the air itself.
Well that's odd.

A bright light flashed and I jumped, trying to get as far away from the window as possible. The orange demon's crumpled body just missed my head by an inch.
A haloed figure appeared and began crawling through the shattered window.
I froze, horrified.
Before I could even process it, a glass shard somehow appeared in my hand and flew straight into the creature's forehead. Blood drooled from it's head, staining it's white uniform with crisp red. Another shard struck the figure, fresh blood dripped from it's neck. Moments later, a new haloed figure with even more wings came flying towards the broken window.
A gasp escaped as I backed away from the creatures. I pivoted and ran as fast as I could towards my closet.

         Once I reached my closet's sanctuary, I immediately shut the door and locked it. I dragged a dresser to barricade it, then quickly crawled to the way back of my closet which was hidden behind a rack ornamented with cloaks. I snatched up some of the folded blankets and covered myself with them, I could taste salt on my tongue as my face began damping with tears.

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