Capture - Zoro

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Satan was sleeping, resting his head on the makeshift pillow I made for him with my cloak because he complained the ground was too hard. I was trying to sleep but just couldn't, my mind kept swirling back to mom and sis. Were they okay? Had the angels found the Cove? Was Tajemství Psance still stable?
There, standing right in the cave entrance was Icarus Pollux, herself. She doesn't know I know her first name, but I know some people.
"I was kind of hoping you were dead," she snarked.
I shrugged,
"I can't be killed that easily."
        "Eh, I bet I could kill you off in less than four minutes." I laughed, nothing humorous in the sound,
         "I wouldn't underestimate me, if I were you."
         "Uh huh, sure."
I scoffed as she waltzed herself into the cave, brushed off a section of the ground, and fell asleep. I decided to get some rest too, it had been an eventful day. I un-looped Gabriel's horn from my belt and laid back, soon everything was replaced by darkness.

The camping trip was almost all set. A whole host of angels showed up to my advertisement, because it was such a good ad. "DEFEND AGAINST THOSE DEMONS, THAT FENCE ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH, YOU FRUSTRA!"
Wait what?
The angels were my camping buddies.
I felt my eyes slowly creep open, the cave coming back into view. That was a fucking weird ass dream.
A dream about angels... Camping? And a mobile ad?
I felt the memory squeezing out of my head already.
"Trinity Immune!"
Who the fuck is Trinity?
"Yes, Centurion Chiara?"
The voices came from outside.
Centurion was an angel position.
Angels were outside.
I foolishly walked towards the mouth of the cave to try to get a sight of what was going on.
"Fetch the Healer Immunes."
The Centurion had long white hair, braided in snake like strands. Their six pairs of wings blocking my view of the Immune. I slipped out of the cave, and hundreds of white tents appeared.
Something hard came into contact with the back of my head, and before I knew it the world turned black.
Right after I had woken up too.

"I see that you're awake, demon." I squinted my eyes, everything was kind of groggy.
The damn angels probably gave me a concussion. I tried to raise my hands to rub my eyes, only to find that they were tied around the main stability pole of thr tent. So instead, I squeezed them shut and opened them again. Watching me closely was an Angel with 9 pairs of wings, a general.
Double Shit.
Their hair was made up of thick strands running down their scalp like snakes, her gold eyes were cold with no emotion.
     "What is your business?" The general commanded. I laid back and acted cool,
     "Well, glad you asked, I actually work many businesses." I paused for a second to clear my throat and then continued my smart reply, "We do roofing, marketing, design, even tracking, oh statistics too, as well as cooking!"
I could tell the general was growing impatient as her eyes begun clouding over,
     "No, what is your business, here, imputant rodent?"
I made a dramatic scoff, "That's quite impolite of you, weren't you taught manners in your fancy little school for wannabe birds?"
     "I've been taught the irrationally of demons." The general sounded disgusted,     "Yet, I'd never thought you'd live up to the potential." She paused for a moment, "Interesting."
Interesting, aye?
I've found a weakness, this general is too curious for their own good.
I masked my face with amusement,  "Ah, watch out. Now you see, I have the power of knowledge on my side!" I lowered my voice, and slipped an eerie sound into it, making it seem as if I were warning the general.
    "I doubt there's much you demons know that we enlightened beings don't." She boasted. I decided to quiz the 18-winged angel,
    "Well, were you so-called 'enlightened beings' aware there's over twenty types of demons?"
She leaned back in disbelief, but leaned fowards once more in her chair with curiosity.
     "Hm. At our last contact, there were only three types. Rubrum, Caeruleum, and Purpura. The development is quite recent then," the celestial paused, "what else do you know?"
I smirked, my plan was working.
Acting is everything.
I rested my head on the back of the pole my arms had been tied around.
     "Well," I began, "there is something." I paused, making it seem as if I was pondering whether I should tell or not.
I responded reluctantly, "I just..." I started, "Couldn't tell you. It's very secret." I paused once again, but this time for dramatic effect,     
  "Being one of demonkind's most stashed away secrets, it must never be told to the celestials. Never. Ever." I shook my head.
      "No. You must. As you can see, I have the upper hand. You have no leverage here."
      "Oh, but I do. Now, you see, I'm the only source you have to know of this secret." I countered.
I turned my head, acting as if I were longing to be back in the hellscape outside.
       "But you might as well kill me, since the secret is just so secret."
"I will not beg. But," she paused, "I will make it worth your while?"
I cocked an eyebrow,
"How so?"
"The hosts of heaven are plenty," she stopped, searching for the correct word, "affluent."
"Hm. I don't know, a secret like this one seems almost too costly for money to afford." I lowered my voice, "I mean, it could quite literally change demonic culture."
"Your life could be paradise," she continued, "you would sleep in mounds of gold."
I leaned forward as if I were interested by the offer, which I must admit, I kind of was.
"That is a tough bargain, but are there any," I paused as if to collect my thoughts, "let's say, items I could gain instead of such money?" I stopped, choosing my next words carefully, " 'Angelic' tools, or weapons, perhaps?"
"Actually, do you have any alcoholic beverages as well?" I asked.
"We have, let's see, A new alloy. Melted. It can poison a wound to capture it into your weapon. We also have wine, I suppose."
"Could I have both of those, oh and some gold too?"
The general hesitated, "Sure.." they said, reluctantly.
"Then it's a deal. But only if I'm given the negotiations first."
The general made a motion to one of the guards and soon my wrists were untied from the pole but soon tied together. If I really wanted to, I could have untied myself earlier but I couldn't risk the general suspecting anything.
"The alloy is called Anima Vincula. Do not touch it." The general's voice was stern. I nodded,
"Anime Vinegar. Got it. "I watched as the general rubbed the ridge of her nose and muttered something underneath her breath, most likely an insult.
"So what would happen if I did touch it?"
"Your soul would shrivel up and die, fueling the metal and it's hunger for souls."
"Does it do that to everyone?"
I nodded again, "Even...Celestial beings?" The General's eyes clouded even more, "It does. And before you ask anymore, it does not completely work on dead human souls. It simply controls their will."
"Ah, okay. Now if you get me that stuff, some wine, and a bit of gold, then maybe I'll spill the secret of demonkind."
The general laid back in their chair,
"We have two hundred year old special red and a premium Chardonnay."
"What one will get me more drunk?"
She thought for a moment and then replied,
"Our Pinot Noir."
"Is it red?"
I gave a nod of approval, "I want that one."
"Fine. It was very expensive though."
"Even better."
The general brushed off her elaborate pants,
"Let us proceed to my social lounge."
Eight guards rushed over to me as I stood up, two were untying my ankles. The other six surrounded me, pointing spears towards me on all angles.
"Jeez, chill out with the spears. Like damn bro." I remarked.
"The security will not loosen."

The lounge was a separate section from the main area of the tent. It was lavishly decorated with riches and had two chairs one either end of a circular marble table. A servant had poured two glasses of wine and set them on either side of the table. The general was already sitting on one side of it.
"I'm not a dog." I decided to sit down anyway. One of the guards then cut the ropes off from my wrists to allow me to drink.
"So, where's the cool alloy thing?"
"Be patient."
The general then made a motion and one of the six guards watching me went to a side section and came back carrying a small to medium sized box which was emitting an annoying golden glow. Soon after, I found my hands full of heavy metal which is strangely hot to the touch. I admired it for a second and then placed it on the table, near my glass of wine.
"And the gold?"
They made another motion and a pouch of gold was dropped into my lap.
"Now, tell me this knowledge of yours."
I tucked the gold pouch in one of my belt holders and positioned myself into a more comfortable pose in the chair.
"So there is a very special demon ability. It is referred to, in code, as 'rewoP nomeD tnetsixE noN', PDEN. " I paused, allowing the general to grow more curious.
"What does this, Rewop Nomed T-tn-tnet-sixe-non mean?" she asked,
"It's a very ancient and powerful demon language." I answered.
"What does it do?" I nodded my head and made a "mhmmm" sound,
"Well, that's the thing. It is such a mystical and mysterious power that nobody knows how it works. But because I just love knowledge so much, I've been studying it for the past couple hundred years. But all the others are nincompoops and don't understand how important a discovery of such power would be, but I've figured it out." The general was growing impatient,
"Get to it already."
I bowed my head, "I'm going to demonstrate it right now."
"You possess such power yourself? You must be revered amongst your peers."
I gave her one of my charismatic smiles,
"I'm unsure if you've noticed but I do have an unique physical trait. And yes, everyone loves me."
"Yes, it does appear your eyes are silver," the general paused, and then resumed to mutter under her breath, "does it affect vision? I will have to find out."
"I suppose you'll just have to see. But on with my epic demonstration."
She leaned forward to watch as I stood up, broke off the ropes on my ankles, broadened my shoulders, and closed my eyes. I imagined various decor I saw in the room thrown all over. I then opened them and made a dramatic flick of my thumb and middle finger, the scene I had visualized came to life. I snatched up my gifts, as well as some other embroidered items, and soon sprinted towards the exit of the tent.
I heard the general yell, "Dirty creature. Guards, arrest the thief!"
But it was too late.
Gold and Silver blurred past my view.
Feathers entwined with armor made up both my sides.
The cave was just in front of me.
Yet, I juked to the left then right, and straight into the shadows of a mound of rocks.
The sky was a deep red. Almost pure black.
But I was safe... For now.
I would find Satan and Pollux when the angel camp migrated further into Bohatí Králové.
Then I'd bring them to my home town.
   I leaned back on the rock wall and closed my eyes.
   The sound of wings were noticeably close, I frowned and opened my eyes to see a runty scout lurking nearby. I rolled my eyes and stood up straight, reaching for the lance strapped to my back.

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