Reaching the Gates - Zoro

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"MY DOOR!" Satan cried. I let out a sigh,
"You can get a new one, you're royalty."
"But my door!" He insisted,
"The only thing that matters is that you're okay," I countered,
"So you do care if I'm okay."
I scoffed, "In your dreams." I offered my hand to the prince, which he dramatically dropped his own in and rose to his feet. He now towered three feet over me.
"Oh, Hot Therapist, you sure know how to capture a man's attention."
   "Shut up."

        I paused in the middle of the hallway, broken pottery littered the floors. I wondered how many angels lurked in the royal chambers' halls.
    "Keep an eye out," I warned.
    "No, really?" Satan replied sarcastically,
    "Yeah, okay Mr. Smartass" I remarked, he cleared his throat, "Your majesty, Smartass" I corrected myself. I snatched his wrist as I started descending the many fleets of stairs, pulling him with me.

We reached the Great hall, but didn't stop, I dragged Satan down another fleet of stairs, leading to the dungeon.
"Why are we going to the dungeon?" Satan questioned, he smirked but I ignored it.
"Because there's a passage down here that leads to the city's outer gates," I kept my voice even.
      "Oh," Satan started to say, then paused, "wait, we have secret passages in our palace?"
      "Yeah, but most of them were made by prisoners to escape."
      "How do you know that?"
I responded vaguely,
      "Let's just say I have some sources."
      "What kind of sources?"
      "Don't worry 'bout it."

        Last time I had used the passageway was when I broke out of the dungeon, under the identity of, "Ernst Brandt". Ernst Brandt was wanted for stealing over 30 IKEA drawers, all from different dressers, I was so scandalous.     Although, that was 4  identities ago. After Ernst Brandt was "Vadim Pavlov", he had a ruthless spree of stealing people's left shoes. Ever since Pavlov, I'd been finding different ways to escape. But the passageway led to one of the city's back gates barely anyone was aware of.
        The passageway was steeper than I remembered it, the path also continued getting narrower, requiring us to crawl. But worse than that was the fact the heir to Hell's throne complained the whole way.
Eventually, shades of purple started to tint the route. We were nearing the exit.

Now we stood under the back gates of Bohatí Králové, the black tinted steel stood high above our heads, entwined with obsidian and flakes of gold.
      "That was excruciating."
Oh you don't even know.
"Hey, Zoro?"
I looked at Satan. His amber brown skin softly contrasted with his black hair, it was matted down to his face with sweat.

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