Chapter nine

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It has been weeks since his conversation with Lisa and Dean was still looking for whatever pulled Sam out of hell while leaving his wife. Something, anything that will help try to get her back to him. Nothing seemed to be working he did something he never thought he'd do.
He summoned Death.
Death agreed to help but only if Dean wore his ring and passed the test. The test being he had to reap souls. It proved to be unbearable hard but in the end Death offered to help.
"What is it your asking of me?" He asked Dean as he placed his ring back on his finger where it belongs.
"My wife. She's stuck in Lucifer's cage. She was never supposed to be there. Can you get her out?" A small smile played at Death's lips as he took in the request. He chuckled once before answering.
"I can. But tell me why I should?" Dean was stunned.
"Because I just passed your freaking test. I did what you asked now it's your turn. Please. I'm begging you." Dean was getting angry at the mind games but with literal Death sitting in front of him, he bit his tongue.
"Yes. True but Lucifer's cage is heavily warded and it'll take time for even me to get in. Besides with the time she's spent down there, you may not like what comes back. She'll most likely break from the memories if she wakes at all. Hell is designed to break your soul, imagine what spending months with the devil himself and the most powerful archangel known to man when they have nothing better to do." Dean never thought of that. He never thought of the after just the how he got there.
"All the more reason to get her out now. Anywhere is better than there."

I had no clue how long I sat on the end of the bed. Dean eventually went to make dinner and I couldn't move. This couldn't be real,  no one makes up a world in there head and then wakes up in a completely different on. It's not possible.
I was rocking while huddled in on myself when my vision started to blur. I blinked a few times to try and clear it. When it wouldn't I tried to rub them clear as I laid on my back, blankets and towels falling around me.
When I opened my eyes, it took everything in me not to scream. It was dark and humid. Chains hanging everywhere. The air around me smelled putrid and I could see two figures standing against what looked like a chain-link fence. I couldn't see their faces but they were definitely there.
I looked down at my hands and they were red with blood, droplets falling down my skin as if racing to my fingers for a prize. I felt my chest tightened as I tried to wipe it away.
What is happening?
Fear ripped through my body as I tried to make out what was happening and I was just about to pass out when I heard my name.
"Lucy?! Lucy, come back to me! LUCY!"

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