Chapter 1

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Y/n pov:

School was boring, as usual. It was a Friday which meant no school tomorrow. 

I was sat in history, watching the minutes go by. I glanced over at my best friend, Aliyah. She was writing down random stuff. She turned to  this boy I know she had had a crush on for like, ages.

*small time skip*

Class had ended and now we could leave. Me and Aliyah had planned to go to hers to hang out and watch movies after school, so I waited for her. When she walked out she was laughing at a joke her crush, Aiden, had said. 

"Ya ready to go now Aliyah??" I said in a joking way. 

"Yep, can Aiden join us, if that's alright?!" Aliyah looked at me pleedingly.

"Fine... now come on let's goooo!!" I said laughing putting my arm through Aliyah's. We walked out with Aiden tagging along.

We were waiting in the car park for Aliyah's mum to turn up and pick us up.

As her mum drove in, Aliyah smiled and waved. Aliyah walked over to the car and opened the door to let us in. As we sat down,  Aliyah's mum turned around, "who is that Aliyah??" Her mum glanced at them both.

"Ummm... mum this is Aiden, he is my friend. I asume its alright if he comes over." Aliyah looked hopefully over at her mum.

"As long as you guys aren't having sex.." when her mum said that Aliyah turned red and nervously laughed.

"Uhh.. we won't be, we are friends mum, just friends!"

"Yes, 'just' friends.."

Aliyah looked down awkwardly as her mum started driving.

"Anyways, how was school loves?" Her mum asked glancing back.

"Boring as usual.." I said, I came over usually so I knew her mum well.

Aliyah's mum laughed at my comment.

When we arrived at Aliyah's, we all got out the car and headed to the door. As her mum unlocked the door, I noticed Aiden smirk at Aliyah. 

That bitch better not break her heart.

A/N- hey, I'm new to this but I hope you enjoy this. For context everyone is 18. 

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