Chapter 4

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I woke up. God I feel so tired, I barely slept last night. But that's become normal for me.

I went downstairs and got a bowl of cereal. I sat at the kitchen table. I looked at my phone, my mum had gone to work for an emergency or something. That means I'm alone all day.

I went for a shower then got in sports clothes, a sports bra, sports leggings and a jacket.

I tied my y/h/c hair up in a bun and grabbed my headphones.

I connected my music to the headphones. I played Lana Del Rey (ofc). 

I left the house and locked up.

I decided to do a run to the woodland and around. I need to distract myself.

As I was running in the woods in bumped into someone.

"Oh Jenna.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you!" I said taking my headphones off for them to rest on my shoulders.

"Oh y/n it's alright..." she looked down.

We stood in silence for a bit. Then Jenna broke the silence.

"So, will you be at the party tonight?"

"Yeah, will you?" I said, inside I was hoping she would so I could stare at her... I mean so she is happy...

"Yes, of course I will, its in my house anyway."

I smiled at her.

"So where is your mum and dad gone then?"

"Not sure, to New York for a few days."

"Oh okay, yeah they always talked about it."

"Do you want to run with me?"

Oh, I completely forgot that's what I was doing. 

"Yeah, sure, I'll follow you, I have all day." I laughed.

We started running along the path.

*Jenna's pov*

Y/n suddenly stopped.

"Y/n are you okay?"

I had turned around to see her bent over, her hands on her knees. 

"Yeah, I'm good, just give me a sec..."

Wow. Y/n's body is beautiful. She has a slim figure. Her eyes and hair, oh I could go on forever about them.

Shit. I need to stop this. What is wrong with me. She doesn't like me. Why would she, she touched my hand because she was scared.

"I'm ready!"

We carried on running, once we got to y/n's house, I waved to her as she left.

"See you later!!" I shouted to her.

She turned around giving me a smile.

*time skip*

*y/n pov*

I'm trying to pick out a dress. Hmm.. the red one?

Yes, the red one. I put it on, it's above knee length. 

Dress inspo-

I looked at myself in the mirror and took a photo

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I looked at myself in the mirror and took a photo.

I coloured out my body in the photo I send to Aliyah. She can see the dress later.

I do my hair so it looks how I want it to. I start on my makeup.

*Jenna's pov*

I'm in my dress all ready for the party.

"Jenna, come help set up!!" I hear Aliyah's voice from downstairs.

"Coming Aliyah." 

I went downstairs.

"Look at y/n!! She won't show me her dress until she gets here... do you think it's nice?"

"Yeah, probably." Doesn't matter what y/n is wearing, I don't care. She could be wearing nothing and I wouldn't care.

*y/n's pov*

I leave the house at 8:50, its only a 10 minute walk to get there. 

I knocked on the door and Aliyah opened it. She hugged me straight away. 

"Oh my god y/n, you look amazing!!" 

"You too Aliyah!!"

We both walked into the house, loud music was playing at flahy lights were everywhere.

I saw Jenna across the room and walked the other way.

"Ever since you came over yesterday, you and Jenna have been acting weird and awkward together."

Oh shit, it's that obvious.

"No, its just that we haven't seen each other for a while."

"She hasn't said anything weird to you then..?"

I laughed, "nope."

*time skip*

Loads of people had arrived now, the house was packed. We'll at least downstairs was.

Lots of people were getting drunk, I wasn't I only had one shot of something.

I was sat on the stairs, out of the way of all the people. Aliyah had disappeared. Hmm, strange, she's probably with Aiden.

"Heyyyy y/n!!" I heard a drunk Jenna say to me.

"Hey Jenna." I looked up at her, she was smiling at me.

"You look sooo..." she stopped saying whatever she was about to say.

"I look so what?"

"Umm..." she went towards me.

She brushed my hair away from my ear.

"You look so hot y/n..." she whispered brushing her lips on my ear.

I went red. Jenna thought, me, y/n, is hot. Oh my god.

Jenna's thingers touched my chin, she moved my chin up to look at her.

"You always have been hot..."

She moved my face closer to hers, she moved closer and our lips were inches away from each others.

"Jenna you drunk.." I whispered to her.

"No, I'm sober enough to know u want to do this..."

She brought her lips to mine.

A/n- this scene will continue next chapter. I'm low-key cringing writing this lmao

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