Chapter 11

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I was driving home and I put some music on.

Then all the sudden there were flashing lights. Paparazzi. Always here to ruin this.

I tried to carry on diving but the bright lights were a distraction. 

I stopped my car to go speak to them but before i could do anything, THUD! 

A car had drove into the back of mine and I had been jolted forward and I had no idea what happened.

*y/n pov*

I was getting ready fir bed when my phone started ringing.

I groaned as I picked it up.

Oh it's Aliyah, she never calls me at this time (unless it's about boys).

"Um hey Aliyah!" I say awkwardly.

I here a quiet sob from the other side of the phone.

"Aliyah are you OK, what happened Aliyah?!" 

"I-i-its J-j-jenna..." she cries again barely being able to speak.

What. Oh shit I'd Jenna not okay.

"S-s-she is in h-ho-ospital..."


"I'm coming over now, I'll be a few minutes Aliyah, just stay there."

I hang up the phone and run downstairs and out the door.

The road further down is blocked off and. Jenna's car. Jenna got hit by a car.

I continue to run to Aliyah's House.

When I arrive I knock on the door.

A few seconds later Aliyah opens the door for me and I give her a hug and she just cries.

All I can think about is if Jenna is OK, if she is still alive...

A/n- short chapter lol. Have a good day/night!

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