Chapter 6

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*slight smut and cringe warning*

*y/n pov*

Once I left Jenna's room, I went downstairs to find Aliyah. To try and act normal and not like a minute ago I wad making out with her sister.

After trying to find Aliyah and failing. I suspected she was still with Aiden. 

I'm walking around having no idea what to do.

"Heyyyy, come herrrreee..." a drunk voice says, I have no idea who it is.

"Um okay..." the girl drags me into a crowded room.

What the hell is this music, bro its shit. I walk over to the speakers with the persons phone on who's playing the music. I search up Lana Del Rey and play her music. I quickly move so people don't notice it was me.

*time skip*

The party was over and people were leaving. Aliyah and Aiden turned up giggling together.

"Aliyah there you are! Now Aiden, goodbye."

"I'm staying over girl Jeez."

What the fuck.


"Is that alright y/n?" 

"Yeah, I guess..." I muttered.

"Okayyy, good thanks love you y/n, byeee!!"

Her and Aiden ran upstairs.

Well I guess I will sleep on the sofa tonight.

*small time skip*

"Y/n your still here?" Jenna came down and stood behind the sofa.

I turned to look at her, "Yeah me and Aliyah were supposed to have a sleepover but she and Aiden are a bit busy..."

I laughed and so did Jenna.

"Yeah, I heard them when I walked past. I wish I could clear everything I heard from that room."

We laughed.

"Well you can't sleep here, come to my room."

I swear she smirked at me, but it's too dark to tell.

"Fine..." I smiled to myself.

I got up and followed Jenna. We both covered our ears while walking past Aliyah's room. 

Jenna shut the door behind her.

"Come on you can get into the bed or sleep on the floor, your choice." 

Jenna got into her bed and layed down. I awkwardly got in next to her. We were facing each other and she turned down the LED's. 

"Hey." Jenna whispered.

"Hey." I said back, I smiled but she couldn't see.

*Jenna's pov*

"Can-can I kiss you again..?" I whispered to y/n.

I could feel her breathing. There was little space between us.

"Y-y-yeah." Y/n whispered back to me.

I moved closer to her. I pressed my lips on hers. 

It felt amazing, kissing y/n.

I moved my hands through her hair. Her hair was smooth as I moved my hands through it.

*time skip*

Y/n had fallen asleep a bit ago and I can't get to sleep. All these voices in my head tell me to stop thing thing with y/n but I can't. 

It will work out in the end.

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