Chapter 2

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We had all entered the house and me, Aliyah and Aiden took off our shoes. We left them by the door.

Given that I didn't care that Aiden was here, I didn't act different. Unlike Aliyah. She was all shy and flirting with him. I rolled my eyes at them.

We went to Aliyah's room and sat on the bed. I grabbed the remote and put young royals on (like you do), and as it was playing I glanced over at Aliyah and Aiden. They were holding hands, that fine as long as it stays like that. 

I paused the TV and left to go back to the bathroom. When I was walking there, I noticed a light on in, I think Jenna's room. Hmm, her mum must be cleaning in there since Jenna is rarely back. Ever since Jenna started acting she hasn't been around lots. 

After i used the bathroom, I got back to Aliyah's room and opened the door and they were making out on the bed. I awkwardly rushed out the room shutting the door behind me.

I didn't know what to do, so I just sat on the floor outside her room. 

*small time skip*

"Hey, are you okay??" A worried, soft voice says from the dark. I looked over to see Jenna. Her brown hair falling on her shoulders, her eyes shining brighter than the lights. Her few freckles spread across her perfectly sculpted face. Everything about her was stunning.

No, I shouldn't be thinking this. She is my best friends sister. But I can't get those thoughts out my head.

"Y-y-yeah, I'm good!" I said stuttering. Jenna sits down next to me in silence.

"How have you been, I haven't seen you for like, forever?" She looks at me.

"Yeah I've been good, came out to my family..." I looked down after saying that.

"Oh really, did it go well"

"Well I guess..." I found myself tearing up.

"Hey, it's okay..."  she moved closer to me, bringing me into a hug. 

We both looked up, noticing the noises from Aliyah's room.

"Jeez, let's go to my room." Jenna helped me up and I followed her into her room.

I looked around at the LED lights around her room. She walked me over to her bed.

I sat down and started crying. 

Jenna moved closer to me, " Hey y/n don't cry... hey..." she wiped my tears and hugged me.

I cried into her sweatshirt, "I'm sorry..."

" Hey, y/n, you have nothing to be sorry about. Let's watch Netflix, what do you want to watch?" I looked up and she smiled at me.

" hmm, scream... 5!!" I laughed.

"Nooo, not that one, I'm in that!!" She was laughing too.

"Exactlyyy!!" We were both laughing together.

"  jokinggg, the og, scream 1!!"

"Thank god, I was scared for a sec." She went to put it on.

We were both smiling hard at each other.

The movie was playing and I got scared and jumped. I grabbed Jenna's hand by accident. She looked down at it as I noticed. 

I moved my hand quickly and turned red. I looked away and down.

"Hey y/n, are you in here???"

Aliyah walked in.

"There you are y/n!! Jenna stop stealing my friends from me!" Aliyah glared at Jenna.

"Well you were too busy making out with your boyfriend and y/n was alone." Jenna said giving a 'so why wouldn't i' look.

"Uhh.. umm... anyway, y/n your mum is here to collect you..." Aliyah awkwardly walked out the room.

I glances at Jenna as I was leaving, she was staring forward emotionless.

I left the room.

God what have I done.

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